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Comments 24

brighid0704 September 14 2007, 23:03:18 UTC
It's so hard when our relationships change. You feel comfortable with someone, and you get this really intense feeling like it'll last forever, just getting better and better. Then, for some reason, things change, and you're left to pick up the pieces.

I'm really sorry for the pain you're going through. Take care of yourself, and allow change to come as it will. If nothing else in this life is certain, change is.


belenen September 17 2007, 09:48:44 UTC
thank you ♥


justkat2 September 15 2007, 00:32:00 UTC
I am in a bit of a similar place with my girlfriend as you describe with Hannah, so I can empathize. *Hug* It is also a time of learning for me, but it is sometimes necessary for growth and change, which I certainly feel is on the horizon. :)


belenen September 17 2007, 09:49:43 UTC
eeek, I'm so sorry :-( *many hugs* here's to growth and positive change for both of us!


qulqij September 15 2007, 05:40:15 UTC
Clearly you are going through a time of getting ready for a big change in your life and things are in the process of being set up for it. This is a good thing and will take you in new directions as well as tieing things up that are not relavant to you for now. Ride it through and go with it. You have people who care about you and are now a part of your life too. No matter what know you are loved adn cared about. (HUGGS)(KISSES)


belenen September 17 2007, 09:50:22 UTC
thank you so much for the encouragement!


acid_burns September 15 2007, 17:45:46 UTC

... love can damage your health...



belenen September 17 2007, 09:50:37 UTC


acid_burns September 17 2007, 09:53:18 UTC
I wish I had something more profound to add to that, but I don't. I just hope you know I know. Be strong, Bel.


belenen September 17 2007, 10:02:20 UTC
*many hugs* I do know that you know. And I love you for it (and for all the other reasons too, of course). ♥


sidheblessed September 16 2007, 11:36:46 UTC
*hugs* I'm sorry you're in pain. I hope you reach resolution with Hannah soon, either way. Limbo is one of the worst places to be.


belenen September 17 2007, 09:51:12 UTC
me too! *hugs back*


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