Nov 16, 2007 20:19
I know y'all can't resist a poll, so here goes:
Poll Holidaze
Now that I have your attention, I need addresses of those who would like Holiday cards.
Here's the cool part: I will be relaying the cards through Santa Claus, Ind. (yes, Virginia, there is a town called "Santa Claus" in Indiana, down near the Ohio River) where they will get the special St. Nick holiday cancellation on whatever Christmachanzaayule stamp the Post Office is putting out this year. To do this, I need to get busy during Thanksgiving weekend assembling everything to send to Santa Claus in early December, so that y'all get the cards on time. Thus I need asap your real name and address in the comments (which will be screened).
Optional: If you like, since the cards come via Santa, you can give me your young'uns name(s) so I can address the envelope:
Tyke Rugrat
c/o LJ Friendsname