Title: No Room for Your Kind Characters: Ohno Satoshi, Ninomiya Kazunari Location: Casa de Ohmiya Week: Week 40, Thursday, May 26th, 4pm Rating: PG for now Warnings: Uhhhh last hurrah before the hiatus? IDEK
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Ohno was worried. Anxious. Tired. It had been this way for a while, but today it seemed particularly bad. Nino had been trying to shake the itchy feeling of it through his entire shift - to the point where Brian had started asking if he was feeling well. Even after getting home Nino hadn't been able to concentrate on anything.
Aoi chewed peaceably at Nino's fingers, bringing him back to the present and away from tracking Ohno up the stairs. Nino stood and put Aoi on his shoulder. "Seems like things aren't going to well, huh," he murmured.
Ohno had no idea how badly he was projecting his worry. If he had, he would have tried harder to push it down. He didn't want to worry Nino.
Taking a deep breath and putting on a smile (even if it didn't quite reach his eyes), Ohno opened the apartment door and slipped inside. "I'm home," he called out quietly, toeing out of his shoes and dropping his bag by the door.
Spotting Nino, Ohno's smile did reach his eyes and he held out his arms. "How'd today go?"
"It was all right," Nino said. He put Aoi on Ohno's shoulder, made sure the kitten was settled, and wrapped his arms around Ohno's waist. "Yours not so good?"
Aoi settled easily on Ohno's shoulder and began licking at his ear. The action drew a soft chuckle from Ohno and did wonders to heighten his mood.
"Depends on your definition of good," Ohno said, smile wry as he wrapped his arms around Nino and breathed the fay in. He relaxed immediately, the tense line of his back and shoulders melting away at just being near his other half.
Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Ohno turned and nuzzled Nino's hair for a moment before speaking again.
"You know the two other soaps that got cancelled, right? Talk's been going around the reasoning was due to the heavily magical casts. My entire story line has been rewritten to avoid mentioning my 'condition' at all."
Comments 23
Aoi chewed peaceably at Nino's fingers, bringing him back to the present and away from tracking Ohno up the stairs. Nino stood and put Aoi on his shoulder. "Seems like things aren't going to well, huh," he murmured.
Aoi mewed and licked his ear.
Nino nodded. "Yeah, I know."
Taking a deep breath and putting on a smile (even if it didn't quite reach his eyes), Ohno opened the apartment door and slipped inside. "I'm home," he called out quietly, toeing out of his shoes and dropping his bag by the door.
Spotting Nino, Ohno's smile did reach his eyes and he held out his arms. "How'd today go?"
"Depends on your definition of good," Ohno said, smile wry as he wrapped his arms around Nino and breathed the fay in. He relaxed immediately, the tense line of his back and shoulders melting away at just being near his other half.
Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Ohno turned and nuzzled Nino's hair for a moment before speaking again.
"You know the two other soaps that got cancelled, right? Talk's been going around the reasoning was due to the heavily magical casts. My entire story line has been rewritten to avoid mentioning my 'condition' at all."
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