Graphics for Land of Art Phase 19 Ch 1-6

Sep 24, 2022 15:43

An intermezzo between travelposts; I'll get back to those after the maddest rush of the SPN_ReverseBang Claimday is over:) Here are the graphics I made for landofart in August and September.

Ch01_PH19-Shaping Tags
Sigtags in which you must use some kind of shape: 4 complete versions with your own name and 6 templates.
Below the templates are the sigtags with requests by fellow Land of Arters from both team SteamPunk and team Renaissance:)
My sigtags:





Ch02_PH19-Social Media
Make banners and promote Land of Art.
I left these banners all over my social media, so you may have come accross one of them on LJ/DW/Twitter/Tumblr/Pillowfort/DeviantArt/InsaneJournal or Discord:)

Ch03_PH19-In the Beginning
Redo some of your very first fandom graphics.
Loved this one! Went through my old CSI: Nick/Greg archive and from a couple of pieces I even found the original psd files to play with. Used to fiddle in Photoshop, now in Affinity Photo:)

2005 icon turned into a Tumblr Graphic

2006 graphic into a Tumblr Graphic (click for full sizes)

2007 header into bigger header (800x300 click for full size)

2007 manip into Tumblr Graphic (click for full sizes)

Ch04_PH19-Content Appreciation
Create art focused on your favorite content creators.
All these creators are active on other platforms as well, but I chose where I found and followed them first. I made Tumblr Graphics.

Carrie Hope Fletcher (YouTube) & Vlogbrothers (YouTube)

Shelby Sherritt (Instagram)

Ch05_PH19-Animal Association
A community game where you choose an animal that starts with the last letter from the animal the previous person chose. You then create a graphic featuring that animal.
Not a fan of working with animals, but it was not possible to hand in Golden Tickets to skip this challenge, and I aimed for 100% attendence this Phase*, so I made an effort to find some fascinating animals to put on bookmarks:)

Ch06_PH19-No Faces Here
Create art using anything but the face of a character.
I made Headers (800x300, click for full size)

*Aaargh, while being in the middle of moderating the SPN_RB, I completely forgot about the deadline for Challenge 8 and I missed that there had been an in between 1st part set up for Challenge 10, so I messed up 100% attendence this Phase, hrmpf. Will do my best to get maximum points in the next challenges (provided the SPN_RB runs smoothly... ::runs off to get ready for claiming::)


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csi, jdm, land of art, i made this, nickngreg

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