ARTWORK for SPN_Cinema 2018

Nov 05, 2018 20:58

Full disclosure: I had not seen Disney's Beauty & The Beast when I claimed that animated film for spn_cinema back in August. It's just that after hearing Jensen refer to Jared as 'Gaston' yet again, I wanted an excuse to buy the DVD and watch it;)

It was... not what I had expected. Without spoiling the film for anyone, let's just say I was baffled by the harshness and cruelty in between the charming moments. I had fun giving it my own more positive twist.
The look of the film is mostly old school animation and I was pleasantly surprised by the cool design of fairytale slides that introduced and ended the main story. I used that drawn stained glass look as inspiration for the visualisation of my cast (no points for guessing who is my Beast:)

May I present:

Title: The Tale of Chad, Torso, Bowlegs & The Beast
Movie Prompt: Beauty and the Beast (Disney, 1991)
Pairing: Jeff/Jensen
Rating: G
Media: Coloured pencils & papercutting
Concept: Chad takes Jared "Torso" Padalecki & Jensen "Bowlegs" Ackles on an adventure to fight the massive Beast in the nearby castle. Well, that's how he tells the tale anyway;)

Bowlegs & The Beast

Did you really expect anyone else but Jeff in the role of the Beast? *grins* I am indeed totally ignoring that he is supposed to be a twenty year old to suit my own story. Jared gets to be a nice version of Gaston ("all torso, no legs") and of course Jensen is the beautiful Belle or 'Bowlegs' as he is nicknamed;) Chad is cast as trouble maker LeFou. They were the ingredients of the tale I was spinning while I was doing arts & crafts.

Here is the full drawing without the papercut stained glass cover:

I'm not a fanfic author and it would be too complicated to tell you all of my headcanon, let's just say that unlike in the original story Jared is not jealous of the Beast, but merely amused about Jensen's grumpy crushing. They all end up happily ever after: Jensen with Jeff of course, and Jared with three ladies who are very impressed by his muscles: Hilarie, Gen and Danneel \o/
(I'm not sure how Chad ended up in a tree :-p)

The Making Of

The quick sketch of the cast I sent to the mods and the rough set up (that I also used to figure out the stained glass division later on - I forgot to take a photo before drawing on the back;)

A more thorough sketch and the photoshop fiddling I did to figure out sizes (Chad was originally a snowman, but I wanted a big sun, so I put him high up in a tree instead;)

The definite line out and my poor pencils (I mess them all up when I get in the zone).

For colour references (I love Belle's feisty attitude:)

Tadaah. I ended up with 6B pencil all over my hand (and I may have gripped those pencils too hard, oops)

Making a frame featuring all the castle’s inhabitants.

Making sure I'm not covering up important bits of the drawing.

Should have probably done that first, but figured out the stained glass window frames last. Ended up keeping it simple (something I have to remind myself of a LOT;)

This why I usually opt out of using black paper: it falls completely flat on photographs. The depth looks better in real life for sure;)

Once again the DVD caused me issues when I wanted to screencap, so I had to resort to an online source:
The video from ChiCON (July 2018) where Jensen calls Jared Gaston - again (at 21:40: "You're like Gaston, you're all torso!") - this was also the inspiration for the tank top he's wearing;)
Fonts: BraveLove by Artisans and Alyssum Blossom by Bombastype.

Also, this film was claimed in the 2012 round as well and you should all check out that marvelous collaboration of amindaya and dugindeep: Finding You Can Change [J2 as the servants!]
Also, also, amberdreams made sexy Gaston!Jared art for SPN_Masquerade: Safe for work, but beware of that torso;)


Thanks to the darling Cinema Mods for organizing this event and a special shout out to dancing_adrift for proxy claiming for me. Fandom rocks \m/


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papercuttingart, cinema-challenge, jdm, i made this, j2, bbartwork

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