Glee Fic: Consequence (1/1)

Jul 18, 2010 14:45

Title: Consequence (1/1)
Pairing: Finn/Rachel
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,288
Summary: You would think, that after six years with the girl in question, at 22 years of age, he would have learnt to keep his mouth shut. Apparantly not.
A/N: This is “Established” Finn/Rachel, set just after they graduate College. There isn’t any spoilers for direct episodes. I haven’t written this type of fic in awhile and I’m a little nervous, so feedback would be fantastic =)

Finn Hudson was in the doghouse.

As soon as he said those seven words, he knew that he would be in a ridiculous amount of trouble, that Rachel would throw possibly the biggest hissy fit of her life. He stared at her, his mouth wide open, while her face froze. Her mouth went into a think line, her face slowly going red. He could practically see steam coming from her ears.

They were arguing over God knew what - Finn couldn’t even remember anymore because what he had just said had ruled out any chance of a reconciliation in the near future.

“Are you like, on your period or something?”

He almost wanted to slap himself in the face. You would think, that after six years with the girl in question, at 22 years of age, he would have learnt to keep his mouth shut. Apparantly not.

“Get the hell out, Finn!”

“Rach, this is my apartment too-“


At the last word Finn turned around, almost fearful for his life. He grabbed his jacket and keys by the door and fled. Thinking on his feet, he stuck his head back through the door.

“I love you-“


He quickly shut the door as a large hardback book came into contact with it. Cursing under his breath, he walked down the hallway to the elevator and stepped in, running his thumb over “ground level”

He had no idea how he was going to get himself out of this one.

The late Autumn air hit Finn hard as he reached the sidewalk. Sometimes he had to pinch himself to remember that they were really living in New York. Granted, they had just finished College and their apartment wasn’t exactly what you would call flash. Rachel had just got a role in a little theatre off Broadway, and Finn was working at a local bar until he found a decent job. But they made do with what they had. Finn hoped he would still have a place to live when he got back.

Finn’s phone buzzed and he reached into his pocket, pulling out his cell, hoping to see Rachel’s caller ID pop up. Alas, it was not Rachel.

“So what did you do this time, Romeo?” Kurt asked, and Finn could almost hear a smile on his face.

“Oh, you know, the usual. How did you know?” Finn responded, tucking his free hand into his pocket.

“ ‘Why are guys such a freaking PAIN IN MY ASS’ is her current Facebook status. Usually ‘guys’ refers to ‘Finn’, as we all know,” Kurt replied, laughing.

“Yeah well, I’m a douchbag, we all know that,” Finn said, sarcasm etched in his voice.

Kurt smirked. “No objection from me. I’d go talk to her before she starts tagging your name in her posts with words like “ass” and “douche” attached to them.”

Finn sighed. “Might let her cool off for ten. She just threw a book at my head.”

“Low blow. Probably advisable. I better go, I’ve got to get to a class.” Kurt replied, disconnecting the call as Finn said “Bye.”

Finn sighed, glancing at his watch. It was five thirty, the sun would be going down soon. It also meant it was dinner time. And Finn had a brilliant idea.


It was seven when Finn finally re-entered the apartment building. His hands were loaded - he got Thai from Rachel’s favourite Thai place around the corner, two bottles of her favourite red wine and an envelope tucked under his arm.

He buzzed up to their level and stepped into the hallway, feeling only a little bit hesitant. She would probably still be mad, but he hoped bribing and presents would fix her mood and be a suitable apology.

Turning the key, he pushed open the door, stepping into the dimly lit apartment. He couldn’t see Rachel, but the bedroom light was on. Putting down the bags on the kitchen bench, he stowed away the envelope in his pocked and walked into the bedroom.

Rachel was sitting on the bed, her iPod in her ears, with her script in her hands. She glared at him when he walked in, and then continued to read, preferring to ignore him. Finn almost smiled, but he figured that would not be the best way to get back into her good graces. Crawling onto the bed, her slided up next to her, pulling her earphones from her ears.

“Can I help you?” She muttered, shifting her arm away from him.

“You can,” He replied. Pulling her script from her grasp, ignoring her protest, he placed it on the bedside table away from her reach. She folded her arms and glared at him.

“I’ve got a surprise for you.”

“You can’t just win back my affections with a surprise, Finn Hudson.”

Finn smiled. “Oh, I can try.”

Pulling out the envelope from his pocket, her handed it to her. She took it and stared at him, her expression softening. Opening it, she stared blankly for a moment before she grinned.

“You got me tickets to ‘Funny Girl’.”

“Two tickets. We are both going. I thought it was about time I finally saw this show. There is Thai out on the bench. And your favourite wine. And does that make you want to kill me still? Or…” Finn raised his eyebrows.

“You are forgiven.”


Finn placed his hand on her thigh, slowly running his hands further and further up. As he reached the hem of her skirt, Rachel rolled her eyes, smiling. He took that as an invitation, and he hooked his finger under her skirt, pulling it down. He moved on top of her, running his hand over her hipbone and under her shirt. Rachel leaned up and pressed her lips on his hard. She pulled him closer to her, opening her mouth and running her tongue along the inside of his. He groaned, deep in the back of his throat and pushed himself closer to her, his hard-on pressing against her thigh. She fingered his shirt, lifting it up over his head, only breaking the kiss for a second.

Finn hovered above her, his fingers fiddling with her button up top. She moved her hands on top of his, undoing her buttons. She shrugged of her shirt, falling back on the bed, while Finn moved his lips to her neck. She moaned softly and he pushed himself closer to her. He hooked his finger into her underwear and tugged them down, exposing her. She groaned, thrusting into him and he kissed her harder while she unbuttoned his jeans and he pulled them off.

Resting his hand on the inside of her thigh, he stopped, hovering. She moaned softly against his lips, pushing herself into him. He grinned, kissing her with everything he could muster. He traced his fingers along the outside of her clit and Rachel squirmed, breathing shallow against his mouth. Her breath hitched in her throat as he pushed a finger inside of her, rubbing hard and fast.

“Finn…” she moaned, curling her fingers around his neck.

He pulled out and gently slid inside of her, thrusting harder. She gripped him, arching her back and thrusting into him. Pushing into her harder, Finn leant down and crushed his lips on hers.

They both came simultaneously, collapsing on the bed. Rachel sighed and curled into Finn’s side, hitching the blanket up over their bodies.

“We’re staying in tonight, right?” Rachel asked.

“There’s Thai, remember.” Finn replied, smiling.

Rachel nodded against his chest, kissing his bare skin softly. She squeezed him closer to her, resting her arm on his stomach.

Finn smiled, kissing her forehead.

He had definitely been forgiven.


glee fic, fic, fanfics

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