Title: The Ties that Bind, Chapter 7/8
Pairings: Eventual Kirk/Spock (with some background Sulu/Chekov UST), but prior to that, bridge crew/OMCs
Rating: NC-17
Length: Near 8k
awarrington ♥
Warnings: Sickness, angst, cliffhangertastic
Summary: The Enterprise crew makes contact with a planet where an all-male society thinks they're sexual catnip, and
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Comments 8
oh wow, he was so close to death. i loved it aaaaah
and when he was just about vomiting out his own stomach and all he wanted was for sextus to let spock go. so romantic. i almost sighed my head off.
poor both of them.
but i'm worried about the husbans. :/
pishn was so sad. and honestly, the new empire sounded like it was gonna blow. highfives for cupcake and his wad of spit.
sad it's gonna end, but i can't wait for the last chapter. :)
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