I Know It's Late But I Still Have 33 Minutes Here....

Aug 17, 2008 23:05

So, I've been so busy this week that I haven't had time to sit down and down out my list for Author Appreciation Week, but since it's only 11:27, and it's still Sunday the 17th, and because I don't really need a special week to thank all my favorite authors...I decided to do up my list now. Also, just because I can.

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tv show: tin man, life: friends, fanfiction

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Comments 12

effie214 August 18 2008, 09:47:31 UTC
...even though she tries to squish a Red Sox reference into every one...

You say that as though it's a bad thing. *is confuzzled*

We are the Donny and Marie of writing. You know, if they weren't from Utah and she was sleeping with a girl.



bee_1103 August 18 2008, 13:20:44 UTC
A bad thing? No. It's a funny thing. Lol.

You know, if they weren't from Utah and she was sleeping with a girl. And Donnie was a girl...which he kinda is, so I guess that one works. : )


ex_nadeshiko480 August 18 2008, 11:06:38 UTC
...because she writes wonderful reivews and always has something exciting to say!
I just tend to think that great stories need to fawned over. Thanks!!!

And because her thoughts on Zero's character are intriguing...
Thank you!!! Now to get finished with the fic and then write it out in my next one.


bee_1103 August 18 2008, 13:23:17 UTC
Hehe. Well, your reviews always make me smile. And I definitely want to read that Zero fic, so finish 'Whispers' muse! Go muse! Help her finish!


alamo_girl80 August 18 2008, 15:40:21 UTC
My dear, I would cyber hug you if I could. Okay, I'll do it anyway *HUGS*.

Your fic "Paper Flowers' nearly had me in tears with the beautiful flangst. And since You continue to rock my world witht he flangst, I'm going to request more. Yes. Even though I am "She who procrastinates Muchly" I can request fic of my buds. Its allowed.

MOBAT HUGGLES AGAIN. And I am going to get you that chapter now. Really really.


bee_1103 August 18 2008, 16:57:06 UTC
Really, REALLY? Lol. Well, I'll try for more flangst but who knows how that'll end up. Basically, I'm in the middle of something else and then I get body-slammed by a damn flangst bunny that won't leave me alone. And then i tell Effie about it and she fans teh flames. And then it turns into a California-style forest fire.

HUGGLES you back honey! (And waits for the chapter)


erinm_4600 August 21 2008, 19:31:04 UTC
Awww... I just need to friend EVERYBODY in the fandom. I have no idea what's being said about me.



bee_1103 August 21 2008, 19:35:40 UTC
Completely. And. Totally. Agree. About the Jack Skinner part.

Actually and the you needing to friend everybody in the fandom. You are well-loved m'dear.


erinm_4600 August 21 2008, 19:38:21 UTC
Still not sure how I managed that...

I'm the QUIET one... over in the corner... planning my escape



bee_1103 August 21 2008, 19:40:40 UTC
But see, so am I. And most of the people in this fandom. And when we find each other - we realize we just CAN'T escape, whether we want to or not.

*Hands you ice for the bruise from the headdesking*

You might need this.


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