TWEWY - untitled

Feb 17, 2010 11:31

Genre: Gen
Warnings: T
Characters: Shiki, Neku, narrator
Notes: A little ridiculous.

I watch you watching her, these days.

I watch the way she makes you smile and I watch the smiles you draw from her - rare smiles even now, when expressions of open happiness come that much more easily to her face. I believe these smiles make you think that she is yours.

You would be incorrect in every particular on that part, Neku Sakuraba.

She is mine.

She has always been mine, and unaware of this though you may be, the point stands. I have a greater claim on her than you do in every way. Her bright and joyous Soul is mine, an adjunct to me. Her craft is mine; I am its beginning, its pinnacle, and its end. When night falls, she returns with unwavering faith to me - and even if sometimes in those private hours her words turn towards you, she is mine. Unwitting as it might be. Unwilling as you might be to admit it.

You have discounted me for now - which you may, indeed. Your underestimation would be insulting, but your utter unawareness renders it laughable instead.

You hardly listen, Neku Sakuraba, and thus (of course) you do not hear me. But still I would have you mark these words and mark them well, for they shall be your bane:

You may think you have her now, and perhaps (I’ll grant you this much) - perhaps, in those melting, brief, glittering hours while you enjoy her presence, perhaps you do.

But she is mine.

I can see how you would be compelled by her, but seeing this will not stay my paw or win you any mercy. In this game, you are the squeaking, stupid, unaware rodent, and I am the cat poised to strike. You have damned yourself, Neku Sakuraba.

She is mine.


“I made lemonade,” Shiki said, turning and balancing the two tall glasses carefully on her tray. “I thought since it’s such a hot day we could sit on the balcony and -”

Sentence unfinished, she blinked in surprise, staring at her friend. Neku looked as defensive as he ever had in the first week she’d known him, hunched into his collar with his shoulders pushed up, glaring stonily in the direction of her counter.

Shiki followed his gaze more out of reflex than necessity. She already knew what was up.

“Neku -”

“Can you move him to your room, Shiki?” He sounded positively pained. “Please. It seriously is just like he’s staring.”

Shiki bit her lip to keep from giggling and swallowed, setting the tray down before she reached out to touch Neku’s shoulder. He twitched a bit before jerking his gaze to meet her eyes.

“I know on the UG he was a little… odd,” Shiki said, doing her best to give him her nicest, gentlest, coaxing-the-stubborn-Neku smile. “But he’s just a regular plushie here, and besides - he’s special to me! He’s the first thing I ever made. I know he still looks kinda weird, but I can‘t put Mr. Mew away! You‘ll just have to learn to live with him, okay?”

Neku glanced from her to Mr. Mew. From her to Mr. Mew.


“Okay,” he muttered, his eyes lingering on the counter where the aforementioned cat plush sat harmlessly. “Okay, okay. I’ll try.”

“Good!” she smiled, reassured, setting one chilled glass in front of him. “Now, about our math homework -”

In short order the two of them had moved out to the small apartment balcony and were bent over their textbook together in relative peace. The only sounds left in the room were the hum of the fridge, the faint rush of traffic, and the quiet remarks passed between Neku and Shiki.

Unseen by both of them, Mr. Mew’s large button eyes glittered coldly.

character: shiki, fandom: twewy, character: neku

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