Merry Christmas, Xiaron!

Dec 25, 2011 14:31

Title: Children of Primus
Series: Transformers: The Thirteen
Characters: Oracle, Aimless, Blast Off, Pee-Dee, and Muzzle
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 600+
Summary: Oracle needs some advice from her fellow Thirteen.
Author's Notes: These Thirteen are not the ones from any official canon. These Thirteen came from a lazy aspect of Primus ganking the ( Read more... )

writing, rpg: deadzone, series: transformers, au: thirteen

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Comments 2

lunatron December 26 2011, 02:05:12 UTC
I like this! It makes me want to write some more of this. >_>;


beckyh2112 December 26 2011, 19:05:59 UTC
Thank you! I hope you do write more of this. I like this 'verse.


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