Merry Christmas, Xiaron!

Dec 25, 2011 14:31

Title: Children of Primus
Series: Transformers: The Thirteen
Characters: Oracle, Aimless, Blast Off, Pee-Dee, and Muzzle
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 600+
Summary: Oracle needs some advice from her fellow Thirteen.
Author's Notes: These Thirteen are not the ones from any official canon. These Thirteen came from a lazy aspect of Primus ganking the thirteen living Transformers remaining in Days of Future Deadzone and using them as his Thirteen in this particular universe.

Children of Primus


Blue visor flared to life. "He's alive!"

Then Time-and-Space's face fell as she Saw how little he would live in this universe.

"I can't," she protested to the vast well of stars. "I just got them back, I can't lose them again so soon! It's bad enough to lose them at all!"

Because they would die. Everyone would die, one way or another, until only Entropy was left to turn the lights out and unlock the door to the next iteration of reality.

"Um," her gun said quietly, "maybe you could save them?"


The Unknown lifted his head from the breasts of his companion as someone kicked open the door. His optic-band dimmed as he saw it was Time-and-Space, then dimmed even further as he took in the manic edge to her movements. Bother. It was rarely worth his time when one of the others came calling.

There was a soft mrrr from the other side of the bed as Entropy disentangled herself a bit from the tentacles. "Oracle?"

"Pee-Dee. Blast Off." She smiled dazzingly. "Aimless says hello to Muzzle and Haywire."

"No, he doesn't," Entropy's head muttered from where he was sprawled in a different bed. One that wasn't full of a very lovely xeno or pair of xenos or triple of xenos. The Unknown wasn't too clear on it at the moment, and he saw no reason to find out.

Time-and-Space just smiled and sat herself down on the edge of the bed. "Slingshot's alive!"

The Unknown just let his optic-band go all the way black. "No, he isn't."

There were no gestalts yet. He would know.

Time-and-Space paused, tilted her head slightly, then corrected herself. "He will be alive."

"That's nice," Entropy said muzzily. "Primus giving him back and all."

The Unknown was quicker on the uptake. It settled like neutronium around his brain module, heavy and stifling. He quoted Order, "The universes follow certain patterns."

"Yes," Time-and-Space said. "The Quintesson conquest, their overthrow, the Golden Age and its slow decay, Megatron's war - they are all part of the pattern here. They throw out threads of lives, and the people we left behind will live again."

Entropy's head sat bolt upright.

"But Slingshot will not live long," Time-and-Space said unhappily. "He comes to life on Combatron."

"Why should that be bad?" The Unknown was quite pleased with his colony. No gestalts had yet arisen, but he knew the first one would appear there, and not on Cybertron. He had left the seeds for them in the gift he left for his children.

Time-and-Space said nothing, and he dimmed his optic-band at her again.

"Oracle plays her cards close to her chest," Entropy murmured. "You didn't come here just to tell us about Slingshot."

"I want to save him."

"Okay," Entropy said.

"That's nice," the Unknown said, nuzzling his slowly awakening companion. "Do have fun."

Time-and-Space looked momentarily uncertain. "But should I? We agreed not to interfere."

"I didn't," Entropy declared loftily. "And Optimus left Prima the Matrix so even if he said he wasn't going to interfere, he's already done so. And you know Shockwave's not going to not interfere, and Red Alert's not going to not try to stop him."

"It was a stupid agreement," the Unknown said. "They are our children, and Unicron yet exists. Are we going to let them face Him without our aid and knowledge?"

"That's a bit different than going in to save one mech," Time-and-Space pointed out.

"Five," Entropy said. "The Aerialbots were a five-mech combiner. Anyways, just don't tell them you're one of the Thirteen, and that will fit the letter of our agreement just fine."

"One might think the spirit was important," the Unknown murmured. "If one wasn't a child of Primus."

Time-and-Space smiled. "And we are all, all children of Primus."


writing, rpg: deadzone, series: transformers, au: thirteen

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