[Ani Fic] Found Child

Jul 10, 2011 22:21

Title: Found Child
Series: Transformers: Animated
Characters: Emirate Xaaron, Pee-Dee (OC)
Word Count: 700+
Rating: PG
Summary: For the first time since he left Cybertron, Xaaron gets to one of the Allspark's feral children before the Decepticons do.

Found Child )

writing, character: autobots, character: junkions, series: transformers animated, character: oc transformers

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Comments 2

lunatron July 12 2011, 00:35:48 UTC
I love how you describe the AllSpark as a taste. Taste is underused, as far as senses go.

I like the dedication here and the attention to the long plan.


beckyh2112 July 13 2011, 16:26:00 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

As a synesthetic taste at that. ^_^

Emirate Xaaron is not a fool, and he knows only a fool would give Megatron free rein to chase after the Allspark. Lor' if he went back to Cybertron right now, he would pitch a fit.

Probably so would the Autobots; they don't seem to like Allspark-babies.


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