[Ani Fic] Found Child

Jul 10, 2011 22:21

Title: Found Child
Series: Transformers: Animated
Characters: Emirate Xaaron, Pee-Dee (OC)
Word Count: 700+
Rating: PG
Summary: For the first time since he left Cybertron, Xaaron gets to one of the Allspark's feral children before the Decepticons do.

Found Child


Xaaron strolled along the street, wishing he didn't stand out quite so much on Ator. Far more people were looking his way than he liked. He suspected adding the dull grey poncho over his gold plating hadn't actually helped this time. An interior city like this wasn't used to having xeno visitors. Normally, he would have avoided this city-

Who was he kidding? There was never anything 'normal' about any planet he visited, least of all this one. This time, he'd gotten here first.

Which just made all the people looking at him just that more galling. He didn't particularly want the Decepticons knowing who had swooped in under their noses. After all, a lone Autobot didn't survive in the galaxy by being a bright, shiny target.

The fact that he was a bright, shiny target was irrelevant.

He could taste the Allspark in the air. It tasted like the purest white glow, so many colors his tongue couldn't pick out just one. It was a taste he would have known anywhere, thin enough that he knew the Allspark wasn't still on-world, thick enough he knew it had left behind more than a trail.

What fools Ultra Magnus and the Council of Autobot Elders had been! Throwing away their future hadn't ended the war! It had just postponed it until the Decepticons could retrieve the Allspark. Primus alone knew what Megatron planned to do once he had it - Xaaron knew what he would do, but bitter experience during the war had taught him the Decepticon leader didn't have his priorities. But no matter what Megatron intended, letting him get his hands on the Allspark was unthinkable.

A pity his fellow councilmembers hadn't agreed.

Now here he was on an alien world light years from Cybertron after almost four million stellar cycles of chasing the damn cube. He hadn't seen another Autobot in longer than he cared to recall, and Cybertron could have fallen ages ago for all he knew.

The taste of the Allspark thickened, and Xaaron picked up his pace. Over the sound of vehicle engines, he thought he heard the distinctive high-register noises unique to a Transformer-

There, at the intersection, a motorcycle with no driver wove through traffic. Its driving was neat, though he saw it accelerate rather than get caught at the red light. Black and pale blue, the color of the local police-force, and yes, he could see a police shield on its front.

He smiled, the old stitches Megatron had gifted him with pulling at his mouth, and took off after the motorcycle. This was the thirteenth feral child of the Allspark he had ever seen, and he would not let this one fall into the hands of the Decepticons.

It spotted him - he saw it jink with curiosity, almost turning back towards him. He raised a hand in salute, then jerked his head towards an abandoned lot off the main road. A place where they could talk peaceably, likely without interruption, and the motorcycle could run if it so chose.

He hoped it wouldn't.

Flashing red lights spun to life on the motorcycle's flanks; he chose to take that as agreement. Xaaron turned away from the chase, noting the motorcycle didn't follow him but instead went on up the street. Still, as he knelt in the lot, he knew he could find the motorcycle again if he needed to. The taste of the Allspark would take decades to fade.

The motorcycle peeked around the edge of the building. Xaaron smiled and beckoned. "It's all right. I don't plan to hurt you."

With a soft rustle and slide of metal, the motorcycle transformed. As a robot, it- she looked about average height for an Autobot, tiny for a Decepticon. Definitely shorter and slighter than him, but he'd always been large for an Autobot. The motorcycle had long legs with her front wheels curiously split in half and folded up along her calves. Her back wheels had also split and reared up over her shoulders in a manner vaguely reminiscent of an Archa Four native's stingers. Her expression was openly curious, and she stared at him with the clearest blue optics he had ever seen.

"Hello," he called. "My name is Emirate Xaaron. What's yours?"

She tilted her head slightly, then glanced down at the shield clearly emblazoned on her chest. "-Pee-Dee?"


writing, character: autobots, character: junkions, series: transformers animated, character: oc transformers

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