Quick Meme: Demon'Verse

Jul 23, 2010 21:27

(Yes, I'll get back to my other memes eventually, but I want to play with my shinies right now.)

You may blame my newfound love of the Detective Inspector Chen novels for this entirely.

Previous installments are:
- Ozai and Lu Ten, enjoying life
- Ursa/Ozai, the first impression was... memorableThis AU is Fire Nation-royal centric, so not ( Read more... )

character: ursa, character: zhao, character: lu ten, au: demons, character: earth kingdom, character: mai, character: song, character: fire nation, character: iroh, character: jee, character: ozai, character: zuko

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Comments 39

spyridona July 24 2010, 02:30:05 UTC
Urzai and Lu Ten; shocking discovery.

I sit on my second. >_>

Duties as a Minister of Lust.


Duties at the Ministry of Lust beckyh2112 July 25 2010, 21:33:54 UTC
The Ministry of Lust was alive. In some sense, most of the Ministry buildings were, but in Lust it was especially obvious ( ... )


Re: Duties at the Ministry of Lust spyridona July 27 2010, 23:51:44 UTC
Hooray for a DOOR.

I like how mechanical it all is, one would suspect there be a nature of chaos. (Of course, I need to read these books. If I read them, it wouldn't be a surprise for me.)

It's very neat. ^_^


Ozai/Ursa and Lu Ten, shocking discovery beckyh2112 August 1 2010, 19:05:24 UTC
Lu Ten hummed low in his throat as he stepped into the antechamber between Uncle's mansion and Princess Ursa's apartments. The veils swirled around him, hooks skittering over his spirit but not able to catch hold. He'd been summoned, and the blood of his summoner protected him from being thrown back into Hell.

Guards jerked to attention as he stepped into the antechamber in Ursa's apartment. He surveyed them, smelling no taint of Hell beyond the faint passing of Ozai's presence. Yet they were a different set from the ones who had been here last time, who had been different from the ones the time before.

One corner of his mouth drew up in a smile. The Firelord tried so hard.

The door swept open, and Ursa's face fell as she laid eyes on him.

"I'm looking for my uncle," he informed her, tail flicking back and forth. "The Jade-Eyed Emperor has need of him."

"Ozai isn't here."

"What?" Lu Ten's tail froze, then he caught another scent- "You. You're pregnantPoison flared along his tail like heat as the sheath pulled back from the ( ... )


dark_puck July 24 2010, 02:30:59 UTC
Ozai and Zhao; humans can stop demons

Ozai/Ursa; second meeting


Ozai/Ursa, second meeting beckyh2112 July 25 2010, 20:26:41 UTC
Ursa returned to the Fire Nation Royal Palace in a palanquin. Her brother had come for her at dawn, like he had said he would, and she had lived through the night, like she said she would.

There was a great celebration that night. The demons had not taken the Firelord's daughter; perhaps the curse on their nation was broken. She was too embarrassed to say she had vomited on the demon who had come, and too proud to take credit for deeds she had not done.

It was a miserable party.

Ursa begged off early, retiring to bed. The clean cotton sheets caressed her skin, and she sank into the pillows with a grateful sigh.


In the morning, there was a night-black lily on the pillow next to her.

Ursa's eyes narrowed, and she incinerated it and the pillow it rested on in a burst of blue fire.


Her father began to talk of marriage. Ursa scowled - no one had ever spoken of marrying her before. She did not want to be married off in some game of power between the Firelord and his nobles and generals. Her mother's father was Avatar Roku, ( ... )


Re: Ozai/Ursa, second meeting weirdlet July 25 2010, 21:35:52 UTC
...*fans self*


Re: Ozai/Ursa, second meeting dark_puck August 2 2010, 03:16:19 UTC
Damn, woman. <3333

This is wondrous. I like how Ozai is courting Ursa now, despite the... memorable first meeting.

I also like the detail of the black lilies needing blood to live. <333


moonylala July 24 2010, 03:19:01 UTC
oh, this is a cool idea! can i ask for lu ten and young zuko, breakable? (I hope that was the sort of prompt you were going for…)


Lu Ten and young Zuko, breakable beckyh2112 August 1 2010, 19:25:04 UTC
Lu Ten had to admit, the kid was a lot less annoying than he expected it to be. It was still a disgrace to the family name, being half human and all, but apart from Ursa's tendency to drop horrible surprises on his head, she wasn't a bad human ( ... )


Re: Lu Ten and young Zuko, breakable moonylala August 1 2010, 22:33:27 UTC
This is adorable. I love that Lu Ten seemed to be both trying to find reasons to like Zuko and, at the same time, trying to remind himself why he shouldn't. His cluelessness about Zuke's limitations (no playing in lava!) is rather appropriate, given the fact that Zuko is probably the first half human he's encountered.

Also, baby Zuko is the most adorable thing ever


gigabomb July 24 2010, 05:52:41 UTC
Lu Ten, Ursa: what they expected was not exactly what they got.


Lu Ten, Ursa; what they expected was not exactly what they got beckyh2112 July 27 2010, 17:53:58 UTC
Uncle is darkly radiant, sucking all the light from a room to shine around him and him alone. Half the time when he walks through the Ministry of War, demons and human souls trail after him like starved dogs. The one time Lu Ten tries to take Uncle out to a blood cafe, there's nearly a riot as people throw themselves at the lust demon, proclaiming their superiority as an escort.

Lu Ten has never, ever seen his uncle with his powers so... blossomed. Sometimes he found himself caught up in the heady, electric feeling, and they fucked on his desk.

Afterwards, though, Uncle's powers still didn't fold themselves away in satiation.

"You," Lu Ten says one day, "have a problem."

"I," Ozai mimics, "have fallen in love."

"You definitely have a problem ( ... )


Re: Lu Ten, Ursa; what they expected was not exactly what they got gigabomb July 27 2010, 18:48:37 UTC
One, it's great to know Iroh actually did what needs doing in this universe and got rid of Azulon, and two, I'm sure after they beat the crap out of each other and destroy half the palace Lu Ten and Ursa will be great friends hopefully. I'm definitely sensing some jealously from Lu Ten here, but I may be reading too much into it. This was great, seeing the parallels between Ozai's two existences. Thanks.


silverhunteress July 24 2010, 12:06:59 UTC
Zuko, hiding his heritage (demonic or mortal) the where and why I leave in your capable hands


Zuko, hiding his heritage beckyh2112 August 1 2010, 20:24:53 UTC
Zuko dashed through the farmer's laundry hung out to dry, pulling down clothes that looked like they'd fit. His reds had to be burned, now they were on the run from the Fire Nation.

(They'd sent Azula after him, they'd sent Azula after him, they'd sent Azula and they told her she could be somebody if she brought him back, and ( ... )


Re: Zuko, hiding his heritage silverhunteress August 1 2010, 22:20:24 UTC
Oooh, I like this. Zuko going into hiding with Jee makes me all kinds of happy. Wonder how our dear lieutenant stumbled across our little half blood. I also wonder what unfortunate circumstances resulted in Lu Ten giving him the scar. I'm really hoping you decide to keep playing in this verse.


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