Quick Meme: Demon'Verse

Jul 23, 2010 21:27

(Yes, I'll get back to my other memes eventually, but I want to play with my shinies right now.)

You may blame my newfound love of the Detective Inspector Chen novels for this entirely.

Previous installments are:
- Ozai and Lu Ten, enjoying life
- Ursa/Ozai, the first impression was... memorable

This AU is Fire Nation-royal centric, so not including at least one of them will leave me flailing as much as I did over getting Selkie-verse Bumi and Mai in the random-draw meme.

One request. Two requests to the usual suspects.


character: ursa, character: zhao, character: lu ten, au: demons, character: earth kingdom, character: mai, character: song, character: fire nation, character: iroh, character: jee, character: ozai, character: zuko

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