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Jeong Jeong (2/2) beckyh2112 May 16 2010, 03:41:09 UTC
6. born another gender

Pianda spread her thighs, crooning about how wonderful Zheng Zheng was to her. Zheng Zheng let her friend's words blur into a babble of sound as she covers Pianda's vulva with her hand. She ground her heel against Pianda's mons, making the weaponmaster groan in pleasure.

Zheng Zheng smiled and ran her fingers up her friend's dark, pretty lips. "I should fuck you until you can't walk tomorrow, Pianda."


7. schoolficPakku is livid over the Potions class. Snape - he will not honor the man by calling him by title - is a terrible teacher, he says. He's even worse than the squaw teaching Defense Against Dark Arts, and all four of the other de-aged members of the White Lotus blink to hear Pakku use as ugly a word for a woman as 'squaw' is to the Water Tribes ( ... )


Re: Jeong Jeong (2/2) neldluva May 16 2010, 05:21:11 UTC
Ooh, Bex loves me.

1. Heh, I like your Vegas stories. And poor JJ is so resigned. (Though I would not mind seeing that threesome. Mmm.)
2. Argleblargle. *happy wiggle* They are sneaky, yes they are. Also sexy.
3. *giggles* Why is it so easy for me to picture this exchange?
4. I really like where this one points. :D I can't imagine Iroh is in for a good time of it.
5. *shivers* Ooh, that was delightfully creepy. Again, so easy to picture. Ooh, Zhao.
6. I HAS A PRETTY. <3 (They are such a sexy pairing, no matter which sex they are.)
7. Heh. Oh, JJ. *pets him* Not that I blame him.
8. ... This would happen. Totally. Mmm, firestarter!JJ.
9. Oh baby, you know how I like your urban fantasy. This one might be my favorite. That might be because you wrote it for me. But something about the way Mai and JJ interact just ... it fits. I really like it.
10. *more incoherent flailing* WOMAN. Okay, so I really love how nothing quite fits for JJ until he sees scarboy (Zuko, I presume). And then he smokes. And then I died ( ... )


Re: Jeong Jeong (2/2) flowerflute May 16 2010, 19:01:07 UTC
2. SPONTANIOUS COMBUSTION. And what a sneaky, lovely way to spy. Am I correct in assuming that's a normal sex move and no-one watching would suspect them?
6. What is it about Jeong Jeong that writes the mind-blowing sex?
8. Ooooh. Also hot.
9. You are just making me love Mai more.
10. God, the way you write JJ turns him into pure sex.


Re: Jeong Jeong (2/2) beckyh2112 May 16 2010, 19:10:21 UTC
2. That is indeed a normal sex move! Because, hey, if you've got those kinds of neural ports, you know people are going to find kinky ways to use them.
6 and 10. Jeong Jeong is incredibly sexy. *licks him* At least I think so. *purrpurrpurr* *PURR*
8. God, I kind of madly love that one.


Re: Jeong Jeong (2/2) flowerflute May 16 2010, 20:16:51 UTC
6+10. Now Pakku can hang out with ANOTHER character I've developed a reverse-pedo crush on.
8. I do too.


Re: Jeong Jeong (2/2) ex_nuitsong January 18 2012, 05:23:32 UTC
Obvious solution is obvious. And made me chuckle! ^_^


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