Mini-Smut Meme

Nov 23, 2009 14:29

Taking a leaf from suzukiblu's book and to keep myself sharp for some longer smut-writing I need to do...

Give me a pairing and an emotion, and I will write you at least two paragraphs of pure and glorious and entirely shameless SMUT for it. You can toss up as many prompts as you like, but I'll only guarantee one response per requester.If you play on ( Read more... )

character: teo, character: suki, character: jet, character: fire nation, au: codex avatar, rpg: degsep, character: yue, character: zuko, character: ozai, character: ursa, character: lu ten, series: avatar, au: vampatar, character: pakku, character: azula, character: long feng, character: piandao, character: ty lee, character: iroh, character: aang, character: haru, character: zhao, character: katara, character: krisuk, character: bato, meme, character: mai, character: hakoda, character: song, character: sokka, writing, character: yujiro trio, au: drow, character: water tribe, au: avatar ozai, movies: the matrix, au: bedrock, character: toph, character: dai li, series: codex alera

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Comments 171

crowdog66 November 23 2009, 20:32:39 UTC
Matrix DegSep, if you're up for it. Any pairing you like, with the emotion "conflict" (if you'll let that count as an emotion).

I have to admit, I'm curious to see who you'll pick...


DegSep: Ninel/Xak beckyh2112 November 23 2009, 20:56:51 UTC
Ninel slammed herself down, taking in Xak's full twisted, scarred length. He growled and grabbed her by the hips, claws digging into flesh. Her nails twisted and pierced the thin flesh of his ears, scored down his chest.

Blood dribbled between them as they fucked, bright human red and sludgy orc black.

(When she came, she didn't call out for Lucien.

Lucien would never have fucked her like her body breaking was desirable.)


Re: DegSep: Ninel/Xak crowdog66 November 23 2009, 21:50:06 UTC
Ahhhhh! Thank you!


weirdlet November 23 2009, 20:35:22 UTC
Ursa/Ozai- mercy


Avatar: Ursa/Ozai beckyh2112 November 23 2009, 21:15:08 UTC
Ozai has never asked for mercy a moment in his life.

Ursa gives it to him, anyway.

He groans as she slides down on him, so wet, still so wet after all these years and all the suffering he has visited on her. Her fingers comb through his matted hair, the motion slow and deliberate as the roll of her hips.

She is the one thing in the world he still loves, and she is just as incomprehensible as she was when he first saw her on the day of their marriage.

Because, he almost thinks she still loves him.


Re: Avatar: Ursa/Ozai weirdlet November 23 2009, 22:01:05 UTC

Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.


dark_puck November 23 2009, 20:37:16 UTC
*glees and dives right in*

Piandao/Song, appreciation
Zuko/Mai, longing
Teo/Haru/Ty Lee, surprise
Long Feng/Song, anticipation
Suki/Toph, patience/impatience


Avatar: Teo/Haru/Ty Lee beckyh2112 November 23 2009, 21:49:00 UTC
Teo gasped, his hips wanting to snap up as Ty Lee wrapped her mouth around his cock. The motion didn't quite go all the way through, and Ty Lee mmmmed against him. The sensation made him tip his head back and moan.

Haru's hair was soft under his cheek and the other boy's chest was hard against his back. He didn't know if anything else was hard - he couldn't feel much below his waist.

He could feel Ty Lee gently pull down his foreskin and slide her tongue around the rim of the head of his cock.

His hands tightened on Haru's thighs, and he really couldn't help the jerk his hips gave when she slowly pulled her mouth off of him. She gave him a mischievous smile then rubbed her cheek against his cock affectionately, smearing stickiness on her face.

He whimpered, and Haru's hands settled on his hips and the other boy kissed him just behind his ear, and he wanted to know-

Ty Lee's tongue fluttered against the slit of his cock, and Teo reached back to wrap his hands around Haru's own hardness.


Re: Avatar: Teo/Haru/Ty Lee dark_puck November 23 2009, 21:53:51 UTC
*purrs and kneads*

My Bex loves me. :D

I love the way you handled this.


Avatar: Piandao/Song beckyh2112 November 24 2009, 02:59:26 UTC
The swordsmaster kisses her hands, each fingertip and the palms. He kisses her mouth, soft and sensual, makes appreciative sounds as she kisses back. He kisses the base of her throat and the edge of her collarbones ( ... )


avocado_love November 23 2009, 20:40:02 UTC
*rubs hands together* I'll give you a few prompts (and one is out of bounds of the rules. Please forgive me...) and hopefully you can find one you like!

Sokka/Zuko -- Empathy
Max (Alera)/Zuko -- burning up
Sokka/Aang -- despair
Toph/Zuko -- Mischievous


Crossover: Max/Zuko beckyh2112 November 23 2009, 22:16:24 UTC
Borrowing from the 'verse in the AU mini-meme...


Uncle Iroh is interested in the delicate, gold-eyed young man with the Army squad. Zuko is not, because he's already figured out that Zhao is going to catch up to the Avatar if they don't get moving.

The fact that everyone keeps looking between him and Tavi doesn't do anything to improve his mood. They think they're being subtle, but he's too used to surreptitious looks.

He doesn't see what's so interesting about Tavi.

Maximus, though. Maximus is interesting. A bastard son of a daimyo with all the firebending power one would expect from the same. The casual bat to Zuko's ponytail leaves the younger man blinking, his scalp prickling with heat.

That night, Max is fascinating. Zuko bites down on his arm to keep from yelling as the man pushes into him. They're haloed in fire, and some part of Zuko is just screaming about the sly looks his men are going to give him tomorrow.

Max's thrust hits just the right spot, and Zuko bites down until he bleeds.


Re: Crossover: Max/Zuko avocado_love November 23 2009, 22:38:30 UTC
... I think you have spawned a new OTP for me.

I really do enjoy the thought of Fire Nation!Max. And of course Zuko discounts Tavi. He's never been a good judge of character, that nerd. Love it. Just... love it. :D


Re: Crossover: Max/Zuko beckyh2112 November 23 2009, 22:45:39 UTC
Meanwhile Iroh is all "one of Father's bastards had a kid, oh dear. I hope Zuko doesn't notice the resemblance".



bookblather November 23 2009, 20:54:32 UTC
Lord and Lady Placida, glad to see each other? :D :D :D

Yes, I'm probably the only person in the world to ask for this. Pris is probably entirely unsurprised. Also, I love you.


Alera: Lord and Lady Placida beckyh2112 November 23 2009, 22:32:41 UTC
Lord Placida kissed the knuckles of his lady-wife's hands, the inside of her wrists, a slow line up the tender flesh of each arm to her elbows. "I feared-"

"Gaius's people are quite formidable," she said simply as she undid the clasp of his cloak.

He smiled lazily and burned her clothes off her, then reached up to caress one fire-pinked breast. "So are you, my love."

"Which is why Invidia is in such a foul, foul mood today," Lady Placida said with a smile as her fingers dug into cloth then ripped the clothes from his body.


Re: Alera: Lord and Lady Placida bookblather November 24 2009, 01:39:15 UTC
Awesome. I love the tenderness you've got going here, under the "oh thank god you're alive I'm going to fuck you into the ground now," and the evident respect on both sides. It's very evocative for being so short. Also, I have a thing for the phrases "lady wife" and "lord husband" (no, I don't know why) so it was gleeful to see it show up. Also also, the phrase "one fire-pinked breast" was a v. good one.

*purrs happily*


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