Mini-Smut Meme

Nov 23, 2009 14:29

Taking a leaf from suzukiblu's book and to keep myself sharp for some longer smut-writing I need to do...

Give me a pairing and an emotion, and I will write you at least two paragraphs of pure and glorious and entirely shameless SMUT for it. You can toss up as many prompts as you like, but I'll only guarantee one response per requester.

If you play on Deadzone, you can ask for Transformers. If you're one of my Matrix peeps, you can ask for Matrix. If you're Kat or Priss, you can ask for Codex Alera. If you're anyone else, you're restricted to Avatar.

NO JETKO. Sorry, but I am so not in the mood to write Jetko.

The only other pairing ban is Iroh/Ursa because I loathe that pairing.


character: teo, character: suki, character: jet, character: fire nation, au: codex avatar, rpg: degsep, character: yue, character: zuko, character: ozai, character: ursa, character: lu ten, series: avatar, au: vampatar, character: pakku, character: azula, character: long feng, character: piandao, character: ty lee, character: iroh, character: aang, character: haru, character: zhao, character: katara, character: krisuk, character: bato, meme, character: mai, character: hakoda, character: song, character: sokka, writing, character: yujiro trio, au: drow, character: water tribe, au: avatar ozai, movies: the matrix, au: bedrock, character: toph, character: dai li, series: codex alera

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