[Avatar Fic] Koi and Dragons

Sep 01, 2009 00:03

Title: Koi and Dragons
Characters: Iroh/Ming
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2200+
Spoilers: Day of Black Sun
Summary: ( Spoilers for Day of Black Sun )

table: 100_women, writing, series: avatar, character: fire nation, character: iroh

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Comments 18

dark_puck September 1 2009, 05:35:47 UTC
I luff the koi-boys. <3

She growled like a bob-tailed rosecat and threw all her weight into rolling him. Fortunately, he was a little off-balance, and more fortunately still, Iroh didn't realize how much weight she could bring to bear.

I have said it before, but I'll say it again -- you can't wake a Fire girl with kisses and expect to get away with only that. You take what you want, Ming! <3333

I do adore Iroh taking the time to make sure she got off, too. So thoughtful! <3 Oh, Iroh. Take her with you. She's such a treasure.


beckyh2112 September 2 2009, 01:08:58 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Iroh is a very foolish man sometimes, and I love writing Ming (or any woman) being fierce. Iroh, however, is a gentleman, and that means he makes sure the lady orgasms at least once for every one he has, preferably a handful of times. ^_^


neldluva September 1 2009, 06:40:39 UTC
*sputters with joy*

MING! One of my favorite minor characters! I love your characterization of her ... she's so fierce! And IROH! I have not yet seen that man so sexy, and I fancy myself an Iroh fangirl.

Beautiful. <3 I especially liked the fire bird/dragon daughter stuff. And the koi-boys! I can't wait for more of them. <3


beckyh2112 September 2 2009, 01:11:54 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Ming's a treasure to write. Am surprised we don't see more with her, really. I seem to be on a bit of a roll with writing old guys sexy, and Iroh is much better at sexy than his daddy is. *nuzzles DoBS!Iroh*


spyridona September 1 2009, 21:54:24 UTC
Mmm, smut! <3

She offered benediction to [scars] with her mouth and hands.
Love, love, love that line. I truly do. It's... beyond sexy to me, I think. It's telling.

Guard boys are vicious and the Koi boys are thoughtless creatures, it seems. Ming is so surprised Iroh cares about her getting off.

Just wait a few more weeks, baby. Iroh will take you to Ba Sing Se. *Pets her new crackship.*


beckyh2112 September 2 2009, 01:13:54 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Telling? What is it telling you? /curious

Guard boys are, if not vicious, not very thoughtful, and koi-boys are definitely thoughtless. They're spirits. Ming hasn't had very much good sex, poor woman.

She will be pregnant by then. >_>


marikunin September 22 2009, 13:37:19 UTC
*spazzes* Oh my gosh, this is such an awesome fic. XD


beckyh2112 September 22 2009, 16:10:20 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


flowerflute March 11 2010, 23:21:47 UTC
Is it sad that out of all the awesome this fic has that the thing I like best is koi-boys? -imagines them all dappled skin and kinda-fishyshaped mouth and PRETTY- BRB gonna write pointless random!miko/koi-kun fic.


beckyh2112 March 12 2010, 01:21:13 UTC
Thank you!

Heh, a lot of people seem to love the koi-boys. I should do some more with them in the future.


flowerflute March 12 2010, 02:00:31 UTC
No, thank you. Also, yay, someone mentions realistic safe sex stuff for the Avaverse!

You really should, they're very nice. Are they more fish-thoughts or boy-thoughts or spirit-thoughts in their head?


beckyh2112 March 12 2010, 02:09:28 UTC
I blame reading a lot of romance blogs for that. And my various bits of research in sex-books. Safe sex, bb. Ming and Iroh are not teenagers, and they can be smart about this. <3 ( ... )


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