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Avatar: Song/Katara beckyh2112 July 14 2009, 16:51:02 UTC
Not a meme without Song, is it? ;-)


In her travels, Katara had expected the Fire Nation to have the wildest summer revels. Perhaps now, under Zuko, they did. They could dance again, after all, and she had seen how Firefolk danced for the very first time.

In a few years, when they learned to really dance, they might give the Water Tribe dancers pause.

(who was she kidding? they would be fire and sweat and skinNow, though, it was the people of the Earth Kingdom who celebrated the summer solstice with a wildness. The bonfire roared, the beer flowed, and the dancers pounded up the dawn ( ... )


Re: Avatar: Song/Katara inuyatta July 14 2009, 17:22:59 UTC
No, no it is not. ;D

This was adorable, thank you!


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