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Avatar: Song/Katara beckyh2112 July 14 2009, 16:51:02 UTC
Not a meme without Song, is it? ;-)


In her travels, Katara had expected the Fire Nation to have the wildest summer revels. Perhaps now, under Zuko, they did. They could dance again, after all, and she had seen how Firefolk danced for the very first time.

In a few years, when they learned to really dance, they might give the Water Tribe dancers pause.

(who was she kidding? they would be fire and sweat and skin)

Now, though, it was the people of the Earth Kingdom who celebrated the summer solstice with a wildness. The bonfire roared, the beer flowed, and the dancers pounded up the dawn.

Haru had twisted his ankle twice tonight, and she'd fixed both so he could leap back into the dance. Toph had cut her feet on carelessly broken crockery, and Katara's water had soothed the other girl so she wouldn't bring the whole village down. Sokka had taken a stab for flirting with someone else's girl, and Katara had fixed that to watch him dive right back in with the pretty Earth-girls.

She sighed and wished Suki had managed to get Aang here tonight. He would have loved to see this celebration.

She wished she had the energy


to dance with Haru.

"Tea?" One of the young village women offered, hand coming to rest on Katara's shoulder as she leaned down to extend a mug of tea. She wore the typical high jacket of this village in a deep chocolate brown over those long, long skirts in a pale green embroidered with darker green and gold flowers. Much too fine for every day wear or to sit on the ground with.

"Please," Katara said, taking the mug from the woman. She took a drink, eyes widening at how cold it was. "It's cold!"

The young woman smiled at her. "Would you really want something hot right now?"

Katara was as far back from the bonfire as she can be and still be easily found, and she's sheened with sweat from the heat. She shook her head.

The heel of the young woman's hand dug into her shoulder as she levered herself back up, and Katara sucked in a breath at how good that felt.

The young woman paused then ran her hand over Katara's back, pressing into it enough to make Katara roll her shoulders with enjoyment.

"Your muscles are all knotted," the young woman said softly. "Here, come with me, let me take care of it."

Katara let the young woman raise her to her feet, and she held on loosely as she was led away from the revelry to a little house in the village. The young woman's hands are warm, not like Zuko's were hot, but like Haru's or Teo's. Earth-warm.

It was oddly comforting.

"What's your name?" Katara asked as she was sat down in a chair, and the young woman put hands to her back and began to massage.



Re: Avatar: Song/Katara inuyatta July 14 2009, 17:22:59 UTC
No, no it is not. ;D

This was adorable, thank you!


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