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Comments 26

ravynfyre May 24 2007, 05:15:12 UTC
Daigan and Brianna

Iniquity and Photon

Drag Strip and Prowl


beckyh2112 December 9 2007, 02:33:11 UTC
Drag Strip and ProwlThey wrestled in the dewy grass, Drag Strip's deep voice growling in his audial as the Stunticon struggled. Prowl felt like he was running on fumes and elation, cold trickles of dew getting into his joints notwithstanding. He had the Stunticon by one wrist, the cuff he'd slapped on biting into his hand ( ... )


beckyh2112 March 15 2009, 03:12:24 UTC
Iniquity and Photon

The triple-changer hung in chains, blind, wings shattered. Her lifters were gouged out, her cockpit in shards. Her wheels were slashed to ribbons, and one leg was better off as scrap-metal than still hanging onto her body.

She had a voice like a horny angel, and the low murmur of it swept through Photon's workspace as the red jet tried to concentrate on her experiment. Their flyers had captured the Decepticon some days ago, pulled her out of the wreckage of her asteroid-shattered ship. They'd put her in Medical rather than the brig due to her extensive injuries.

Photon tried to shut out her talk, the questions in that low beguiling voice. She tried so very, very hard not to listen.

In retrospect, if she had listened more closely, she would have realized the triple-changer was talking to cover the sounds of her cutting away the chains.

The Decepticon looked like a horror as she pressed Photon to the ground by body-weight alone, but her mouth was just as sinful as her voice.


beckyh2112 April 11 2009, 02:34:52 UTC
Daigan and Brianna

"Nobody's looking at me," she said softly, curling closer to his side.

"Hm?" He glanced at her, trying to work out where that had come from, then she pressed her mouth against his, and he lost his train of thought entirely.

Daigan considered that perhaps being human wasn't so bad, if it made Brianna happy like that.


(The comment has been removed)

beckyh2112 March 15 2009, 01:39:55 UTC
Jetstorm and Motormaster

It was meant to hurt.

Motormaster had meant to hurt him, punish him for everything he dared do against the black truck. Jetstorm, however, could not find it in himself to suffer.

Certainly it did hurt. The Stunticon commander didn't hold back an ounce of his titanic strength, and without his connection to Unicron, Jetstorm could be hurt by someone like Motormaster.

Yet the mauling crashed over Jetstorm and swept away despair and self-pity. All that was left was the need to fight, the life of fighting.

His lips grazed Motormaster's cheek, and then the Lord of Still Air threw himself into the attack.


beckyh2112 March 15 2009, 04:01:58 UTC
Reflector and Skywarp

A flash of purple was all the warning Reflector got. The dark Seeker grabbed the nearest component and hauled him up for a long kiss, then vanished in another flash of purple.

Reflector turned to look at himself, confusion written on all of his face. "What-?"


beckyh2112 May 22 2009, 00:23:48 UTC

karma_aster May 24 2007, 06:55:29 UTC

Or...ooo, you could write me something like Fox and Xanatos or Angela dn Broadway and I'll be stunned.


beckyh2112 May 20 2009, 01:05:21 UTC
Bob and Dot

She's so beautiful. Everything's beautiful, miraculous - the system _restarted_, the light shone down, the viral infection cleansed in one flash of green light.

She's miraculous. He thought he'd been lost to her forever. Thought he'd live and die in the Web, holding the image of her in his ROM but never getting to see her again. Hear her again. Touch her.

She's looking at him. Her expression- he knew exactly what she was thinking, what was being translated onto her face. That he was just as much a miracle as she was.

That she wanted to touch him as much as he wanted to touch her.


They moved together in one moment of blissful understanding, lips meeting.


raisedbymoogles May 24 2007, 13:05:28 UTC
Harry and Morgan

Thomas and Susan

Thundercracker and Reflector


beckyh2112 September 27 2007, 15:57:46 UTC
Thomas and SusanThe dance floor bled off people as the night waned, but that just made it easier for Thomas to keep an eye on the Red Court vampire out there. She didn't strike him as strongly as a fully-turned one did, and she closely resembled the picture Harry had given him ( ... )


beckyh2112 November 16 2007, 19:56:39 UTC
Thundercracker and Reflector

It tasted like a secret.

That was all Thundercracker could think of as he kissed Reflector, the two of them curled up in the night. Pine needles crunched under his thruster heels, and he kept having to remind himself to stay ducked below the treeline. He could barely see anything by the light of Reflector's infintismally dim optics, could barely make out the face underneath his mouth.

It tasted sweet.


beckyh2112 May 18 2009, 01:38:51 UTC
Harry and Morgan

"You have got to be kidding me," I said. "We are not reprising Sleeping Beauty ( ... )


lunatron May 24 2007, 13:19:40 UTC
Elita-1 and Shockwave.


beckyh2112 May 27 2007, 23:57:22 UTC
Elita One and ShockwaveShockwave noted how straight and tall she stood, ignoring the chains binding her hands behind her back or the hobbles that slowed her to a pathetic shuffle. She would not allow herself to show weakness ( ... )


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