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raisedbymoogles May 24 2007, 13:05:28 UTC
Harry and Morgan

Thomas and Susan

Thundercracker and Reflector


beckyh2112 September 27 2007, 15:57:46 UTC
Thomas and SusanThe dance floor bled off people as the night waned, but that just made it easier for Thomas to keep an eye on the Red Court vampire out there. She didn't strike him as strongly as a fully-turned one did, and she closely resembled the picture Harry had given him ( ... )


beckyh2112 November 16 2007, 19:56:39 UTC
Thundercracker and Reflector

It tasted like a secret.

That was all Thundercracker could think of as he kissed Reflector, the two of them curled up in the night. Pine needles crunched under his thruster heels, and he kept having to remind himself to stay ducked below the treeline. He could barely see anything by the light of Reflector's infintismally dim optics, could barely make out the face underneath his mouth.

It tasted sweet.


beckyh2112 May 18 2009, 01:38:51 UTC
Harry and Morgan

"You have got to be kidding me," I said. "We are not reprising Sleeping Beauty ( ... )


raisedbymoogles May 18 2009, 01:40:12 UTC


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