Review-O-Matic: Torchwood - Children of Earth Day 4

Jul 09, 2009 22:00

Goodbye Torchwood. It was fun for season one and season two up to 'Exit Wounds' but now with Ianto lying in a blood red body bag... You and I must part company.

It's been nearly twelve years since I saw Babylon 5's 'Endgame'. Marcus broke my heart and I promised that I would never be in thrall to another character again. Then Jack Harkness came along and I forgot myself.

I watched Torchwood for Jack... and then for Ianto Jones as well. GDL wormed in under my defenses and stole my heart.

And now? That heart has been shattered. I sat in front of my family and bawled as quietly as you can when your heart is breaking.
I know it's 'just a tv show' but.... godsdamnit! It's not supposed to feel like you've been dumped by the love of your life!

So... farewell show. Jack, I love you as much as you loved Ianto and he loved you but I can't do this anymore.

Someone tell me how it all ends - because I'm not going to be watching.

torchwood, babylon 5, review-o-matic, doctor who

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