Review-O-Matic: Torchwood - Children of Earth Day 5

Jul 10, 2009 22:00

John Frobisher was a good man. Peter Capaldi should be a shoo in for a BAFTA. So should the entire damn series but then... it won't be because it's science fiction.

Bridget Spears is made of AWESOME. Can both she and Lois come back?

Question - who were the greater monsters? The polticians (and that US Ranger dude) or the 456? Discuss.

Jack... Oh Captain, My Captain... You need to see a Doctor. You know which one I mean. That final scene was... (weeps quietly) my heart would break for Jack but it's just a pile of dust in my chest. Just like the Doctor - he loved them all (but his love for Ianto was.... more)

I said this last year and I'm saying it again this year. If that's the end of Torchwood then I'm grateful. Not happy (not by a long shot!) but I'm grateful that we've had this much.

It was a powerful, wonderful, heartbreaking five days of telly. And I'm glad I watched it. Though I am quite prepared to deny that anything after day 2 *actually* took place! Because... I can. So, ner!

torchwood, review-o-matic, doctor who

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