Jesus Christ, the episode 6 post put me over ten thousand words for this thing already. Hell, I was only halfway through it when I hit the 10,000 word mark and I think nobody ever gets to bitch to me about how long their stuff is after I finish this. >:|
Also, I'm on episode 20 of Den-O and episode 07 of Kiva and it's not like I'll run out of episodes today or anything, but. Wh...what am I gonna do when I catch up on everything? ....aside from watch Kabuto a third time again? .___.
Anyway, SPOILERS for the episode listed at the very least (and very likely into the 30s and possibly the whole series, I don't plan these things in advance, we'll see from there.
Kamen Rider Kabuto episode 07: One of the other apparently dropped storylines that this episode recaps is Hiyori's drawings apparently coming to life, which I'm really not sure what to make of. Are they actually coming to life? Does no one else see them, despite that her giant drawing of the winged girl is right on top of the Tokyo Tower and explodes in a shower of sparkles? Can only she see them? I assume so, maybe it's her subconscious trying to tell her something? I could buy that, given that the girl in her drawings has wings, which... well, seems really obvious now that I think about it.
With this episode, we see TheBee for the first time, when he rides up as Kagami is being backed into a corner by the Worm and his gun has just run out of bullets. And, you know, if they could make TheBee zecter this quickly after the Kabuto zecter, why take so long with Gatack? I'm still going with the theory that Gatack zecter is a crazy little motherfucker and wasn't going to be ready until it was goddamned well in the mood for it. Either that or it was still beating up everyone that tried to go near it.
It is a little hard to watch Yaguruma in these scenes, being so sure of his Perfect Harmony, and knowing all that's going to happen with him, but. Well, thankfully I didn't wind up shipping him as hard as I did the main pairing, so I can sit back and watch this with a more relaxed manner. XD But Kagami's total mancrush on Yaguruma is still pretty A+++.
The scene after that (well, after Tendou and Juka morning cuteness) is shadowy ZECT guys (Tadokoro-san and... Mishima? I'm not sure?) and Tadokoro-san is asking why TheBee came so early, was there a change in plans? Mishima (?) says, no, that was the plan all along and that TheBee has an important mission. *frowns* Well, okay, I still think the Gatack zecter is a crazy ass motherfucker bug-shaped robot but if they planned for it to be later....
I suppose you could play with the fan theory that Gatack zecter attacked Kagami because of the mark of TheBee on him at first and if you assumed that... did ZECT know that somehow TheBee would fall into Kagami's hands? Did the plan that to stave off Gatack!Kagami? I'm not sure why they would, it's not like it held Gatack zecter off for very long and I think they wanted Gatack!Kagami? They kind of slyly pushed him into it. I don't actually think any of that is on the money, I think it's clearly that they wanted TheBee to defeat Kabuto, but I think I've started using these posts as a way to write down a bunch of possible theories that cross my mind. XD
And, oh, shit, how much do I love the first meeting between Tendou and Yaguruma? Fighting over tofu! Tendou's grandmother's saying, "Chase two birds, and you catch two birds."! The totally obvious pissing contest between them! The "Do you have a container large enough to be talking about heaven?" after Tendou introduces himself! I just. a;sdlfjkal;kjslkjas SO MUCH FUN.
It's also interesting to note that Yaguruma actually does try to be fair to Tendou, he tries to say, well, let's split the tofu then. It's just when Tendou keeps being a bitch about it, Yaguruma gets his hackles up as well, but Tendou still disliked him immediately. But other people he meets, who give him WTF o_O faces and try to yell at him, those people he doesn't mind. The whole set of scenes is really great because Tendou is such a bitch during them and you can really see that he's... as Tammaiya says, he's a territorial little alpha bitch. He and Yaguruma aren't really the same type, but they're both alpha in their own ways, and it makes them clash. (And Kagami... well, it's so totally Kagami/Tendou in that order, but Kagami isn't alpha at all, not the way they are.)
Yaguruma is a lot more calm and civil and it's not that Tendou's saying much that's actively rude, it's just that his attitude screams of obvious instant dislike. The first time I watched these scenes, I really sort of felt for Yaguruma (and I still do) because he was trying to be fair and Tendou was being bitchy about it, for no reason other than that he instantly disliked Yaguruma. It's a little more telling this time around, but still hilarious.
Which actually reminds me of something interesting that I was talking with Meg about the other night. (I find it hilarious that it apparently occurred to both of us, without ever talking to each other about it first.) I totally think the Gatack zecter is a crazy ass little bug-shaped robot, it beat up people for trying to touch it... in a really, really menacing, crazypants sort of way. Like, I would not want to cross that zecter in a dark ally, it would totally fuck your shit up. But eventually it accepted Kagami and came so easily to him. And the Kabuto zecter... seems very even-tempered and reliable.
It's... interesting that their zecters seem to have those kinds of personalities. >:D
This episode also has the wedding scene that gave me so much pause the first time I watched it and again on the second go-through. It's the scene where the Worm obviously mimicked the bride and then mimcked someone else, so... we have this groom lifting the veil on her... only to see another guy. The first time I was kind of like, ".................uh. I know where you're going with that, it's obviously a Worm, but. Uh." Like, they could have had it be a different woman or just have her change into Worm form! But no! Two guys at the altar! What are you trying to tell us, show?
And the more I think about it, the more I'm "....." over it because... well, how did that happen? Why not just mimic the bride? Or did it mimic the bride... and then just mimic some other guy afterwards? Or did it kill the bride while somehow miraculously not damaging her dress and then... put it on? .__. Can Worms mimic clothes without mimicking the person? I... guess that makes sense. But why hold on to the form of the guy when it would have been easy to mimic the bride if it was already mimicking her dress? I keep running around and around on this and can only come to the conclusion that, for whatever reason, the show wanted two guys up there at the altar. .__. If they just wanted surprise, it could have been another mimicked woman or whatever. But no. The show wanted two guys up there. .___.
I actually do feel a smidge badly for Tendou losing the cooking contest to Yaguruma... except sort of not really because a) HILARIOUS and b) it's for a silly reason (that Hiyori just likes hot foods better) and c) Tendou so completely deserves it. I don't care even if he is right about "not bringing out the individual flavors of the vegetables", he is totally being a sore loser and it's beautiful. ♥ Especially when he pissily won't accept that Yaguruma still suggests they split the tofua--and I love that they borrow tofu from Hiyori, which means they had THREE, which is MORE THAN ENOUGH for both of them, but no! they had to have their duel!--and Tendou won't bend even a little.
And Tendou's pretty cranky about Hiyori having chosen Yaguruma's cooking, but he seems to take it fairly well. Of course Kagami walks in at the end of the duel and then follows Yaguruma out and. Okay, there is no logical reason (that I can think of) for Tendou to follow Kagami out there, he has no reason to think that Yaguruma is a Rider or involved with ZECT or the Worms at all, he obviously didn't know when Kagami told him about TheBee in that conversation after Yaguruma left. He's just an obnoxious guy who wanted Tendou's tofu. Realistically, I know that it's just that the show wanted Tendou out there to overhear part of their conversation, that I should chalk it up to artistic license. But... there is no reason for Tendou to follow Kagami out there, other than that he Really Did Not Like Kagami Paying Attention To Others. Certainly not to be lounging around against the wall and watching Kagami with an intent look.
The whole scene is just loaded, too. Kagami wants to talk to Tendou anyway, tells him that they have a properly trained rider now, so a civilian like Tendou shouldn't risk himself anymore. And anyway he has Juka-chan and everything.... You don't really even see Tendou's face that clearly, but he is DEAD SILENT and he's just letting Kagami go on for what feels like forever, and when he finally speaks... it's this almost eerie calm voice when he asks, "And who's the man who chose this TheBee?" There is so much loaded into that scene where Tendou's not really even saying a single word and yet his silence speaks VOLUMES. And that calm voice is totally the tone of voice you use when you politely ask who the other bitch your boyfriend is seeing, so that you can go rip her hair out kind of tone.
OH OH OH. AND. Tendou's clearly getting ready to go do just that to Yaguruma when Kagami gets mad. STOP IT, he snaps. "The one they picked this time is a man I respect." and if I was biting my lip and trying not to shriek with glee/laughter at that the first time, it totally gets even more awesome, knowing how completely shoujo manga that line is and how that does not let up for the rest of the series. He tells Tendou to just stay out of it and then runs off. Totally the herione of a shoujo manga, despite that a) Tendou's the original main character and b) still totally the guy in the Kagami/Tendou relationship. It never stops being funny.
Tendou laughs about it, saying that Kagami is an interesting guy, and... well, that's Tendou for you. Of course it's funny when Kagami tries to do something. (Despite that he spends practically the whole arc being jealous of and bitchy at Yaguruma.) It's also interesting, the tone he takes when he interrupts Tendou and Misaki posing as a bride and groom about to get married, because it sounds much more mocking and almost malicious, than it usually does. The slow clapping as they walk down the hallway (crabbing about having gotten stuck with each other) was... kind of mocking, too. And his "Leave this to me. Give my regards to that guy (Yaguruma)." is... really, really loaded. .__.
Of course I'm looking for it, but I honestly don't think I'm making it up, either. Tendou seems really passive aggressive in this arc, I was honestly struck by how jealous he seemed at times.
Also, on a shallow note, Tendou looks, um. Really, really nice in those white clothes. Especially the just-this-side-of-tight pants. *___* Especially when he's fighting off the Worm just before he changes into Kabuto form. *___*
That fight is also one where they Clock Up and fight on top of the moving cards, which actually are still moving really slowly and my internal consistency nerd is pleased. Except I also know that it's going to not last--in at least one upcoming episode, Tendou (or Kagami? I don't properly remember) runs fights in the middle of a fire that's NOT MOVING, not even slowly flickering. It just. Bothers me!
It's interesting that Tendou stays back and lets TheBee finish off the worm, it's not that he doesn't have opportunities to move in and start attacking as well, it's that he stands stock still off to the side and watches, which is... really sort of impressive, how much they convey even through that giant Kabuto mask and rubber body suit.
The episode ends with a Worm getting away (I'm not precisely sure if Yaguruma knows that Kabuto's telling the truth about that, if the "that trick won't work" is implying that he can only distract ZECT with such things for so long before it won't work as an excuse anymore, or if he really thinks Kabuto is lying, I can't remember the particulars of how that turned out) and TheBee and Kabuto crossing fists.
*rubs hands together in glee* I am so looking forward to the rest of this arc and... you know, I suspect I'll be watching a third time after this, because I've been watching so slowly, in little bits and pieces to examine every scene, and it's throwing off my sense of the series' pacing.
*puts face in hands* ....I still don't think it's as big of a victory as Arashi was, but Meg... Meg definitely won a lot of points this round. ;___;
.....OH WAIT, I LIED. Okay, see. The last time I watched, I didn't bother with the previews or really realize there were fun little epilogue tags at the end of the episodes. So these bits are new for me. And episode 07 is the one with Kagami and Misaki dressed like a groom and bride. So, the tag? Kagami and Tendou, which starts off with Tendou saying, "My deeds this time were amazing, weren't they?" And, aww, this is cute. I was pleasantly surprised by Kagami and Tendou in the scene! Not that I wasn't enjoying the Tendou and Juka ones, but this is nice, too! I wonder if they'll be gay with each other at a--
Tendou: "You in a tuxedo, that wasn't too bad either."
And Kagami LIGHTS UP and goes, I KNOW RIGHT!? YOU COULD TOTALLY TELL, HUH, TENDOU-KUN? ACTUALLY, I-- and Tendou tries to go, "Just kidding!" (and a;sdlfkjasljk Kagami's raised fist like he just wants so badly to punch Tendou right in the face) but still. It's like. What were you going to try to tell him, Kagami? .__. What did you being in a nice suit and looking very, very nice and Tendou complimenting you on it REMIND YOU THAT YOU WANTED TO SAY TO TENDOU? And-- you can try to deny it all you like, Tendou, but you still totally said he looked hot. .___.
Yeah. This episode was really gay. .___.
I also grabbed the new ARASHI as soon as it came out and well. I... don't know, can you have SPOILERS for a PV?? (Also Himitsu no Arashi-chan #10 [2008.06.12].)
♥ - So. From what I've gathered, there's a bit of a mixed reaction to this PV and I can't say I entirely disagree. I do think there was so much they could have done better with this video, that it felt surprisingly low-budget, especially for a song that's the theme to the Hanadan Final movie. They hardly moved around much at all, the Photoshop effects were something I'd almost expect to see out of a (admittedly well-done) fanvid, and it just felt a little off.
It's-- It's Arashi's Big Gay Wedding. How do you complain about that?? It's got pastel rainbow birds flying past them! It's not Nino in fucking FORMAL SHORTS! It's got Jun LASERING IN ON AIBA like a big old schoolgirl with a giant crush! It's got Sho/Ohno cuddles! It's got emo!Nino while Ohno snuggles with someone else! (Usually, he only gets really emo about it when it's Ohno/Jun snuggles, so it's kind of interesting here.) It's got Jun in a pastel pink cardigan! It's got Arashi as wedding toppers on a giant wedding cake for their big gay wedding as white doves fly past!
I was especially kind of "...." over Jun staring at Aiba with the dorkiest crush that's ever been dorky because he usually doesn't do the snuggly thing as much (in comparison) as the others in the PVs, he's usually a lot more reserved. And he is really leaning into Aiba in this one, in what's really kind of, um. An interesting way. So, I had to lol because... okay, you put Arashi in a big day wedding themed PV and make the atmosphere as romantic as they can and... that is the PV where Jun can't stop staring at Aiba? Or ~*sidling up to him*~ a lot?
I... see.
And, yeah, the Photoshop-esque effects weren't that great, someone was clearly having a little too much fun with their brand new shiny software, but it was hard for me to complain when they did look very pretty and it was all big gay wedding-themed. Just. I'm not getting over that any time soon, I don't think. I really just-- I really want to make a million icons and layouts and banners from this PV and plaster them all over my journal. (Thank god I'm not very good with Photoshop or else I'd change my layout every other week.)
♥ -
Himitsu no Arashi-chan #10 [2008.06.12] - I don't even know where to begin with this episode! There was just. SO MUCH AWESOME. I don't think I have shrieked this hard during an episode of something in quite some time. I mean, I'm a little "....??" over it, for the way that Sho and Ohno apparently spent a WHOLE DAY working on just this one segment? That was one of the reasons that I was ultimately all right with MMA ending, because then they wouldn't have to try to fit a whole day's project into their insane schedules, not when they only got about ~23 minutes of footage for it. Which is... pretty much exactly what happened here. Given how busy they are right now, I'm kind of a little :/ faced over it.
On the other hand. It's really hard to complain about that when it was just like one of the old Kodomo no Bangohan episodes, only, like, TEN TIMES BETTER. There wasn't such a focus on food preparation, instead showing them interacting with little Koharu-chan more and that was where the real gold was. I mean, any time Sho was LASER FOCUSED on that adorable little girl, in an attempt to get her to stop crying because her mom had left, it was already gold, but.
When he picked the little crying girl up and held her and she curled up against his shoulder and cried for about half a minute more and then WENT TO SLEEP ON HIM OH MY GOD I WAS DYING FROM THE CUTE. It's the best episode ever of SHO + BABIES = INSTANT OVERDRIVE FOR MY OVARIES. And if that weren't enough to cause me to melt into a puddle of goo, he bends over at that awkward angle to try to lie her down on the floor with her pillow for a nap and he starts to pull away and she sleepily REACHES UP FOR HIM TO KEEP CLINGING TO HIM. AND THEN HE STAYS BENT OVER HER AT AN AWKWARD ANGLE TO HELP HER SLEEP. THEN PATS HER STOMACH TO KEEP HER SOOTHED AND THEN LIES DOWN NEXT TO HER AND PRACTICALLY COOS AT THE SLEEPING BABY.
Jesus, Sho. Way to break my ovaries and my Shift key there.
Little Koharu-chan seems to be much more open to them after that, so they take her out to play, they go grocery shopping with her, they give her a bath, it's just. asd;lfkjalksl;ajks Ohno/Sho + Kids = BEST THING EVER, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS. They even show her the TIME DVD! Ohno makes her dinner! They blow bubbles with her!
Especially when they went to get ACTUAL CHILD MINDER LICENSES and Ohno is all defensive about having gotten his for real and is all OH PLEASE YOU GOT 94% *LEAVES* when Sho's still worried and then EVERYONE gives Ohno crap about having actually gotten it. Aiba going, whoa, you mean he REALLY GOT ONE even before he got a driver's license??? will always and forever be HILARIOUS.
Though, the only thing that marred the perfection of that bit was HOLY CRAP YOU GUYS. THE ONLY ONE OF YOU THAT I DON'T WANT TO COMPLETELY REDRESS IS SHO. SHO. DO YOU GUYS KNOW HOW BAD YOU HAVE TO BE WHEN SHO IS THE BEST DRESSED AMONG YOU? (Though, it provided endless lolz for me when, yet again, Nino and Jun are the ones who sit like proper ladies while Aiba sits like an actual boy.)
It was a struggle to limit myself on caps, I have to say. orz
The Aiba/Jun segment was a bit more low-key but had a couple of REALLY AWESOME moments. Like Aiba asking the princess girl if she knew who he was/who was her favorite in Arashi and she goes, ".....Matsujun. ♥" and Aiba does the usual tripping/falling over reaction but then just seems resigned to that, yes, Matsujun is EVERYONE'S favorite SIGH.
I still do not get the whole Ageha fashion thing and that girl's room was... awfully pink. I realize that I have no room to talk on this, but. I'm laughing AT my desk, not going OMG THIS IS AWESOME in a totally serious way! The crap those girls put on their nails also scares me and HOLY SHIT WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO TO THAT POOR DS??? It doesn't help that they all have these really awful air colors to go with those horribly colored clothes and just. Ugh. It's almost cute, but no.
But it's worth it to see Aiba take her to Odaiba and then bring in a special guest, who pulls up in a big white stretch limo and, voila!, it's Matsujun! The girl is SO EMBARRASSED and it's SO CUTE and, wow, Aiba. You're kind of all up in Matsujun's personal space there. I did totally lol at the moment where Aiba's like Say something to her! as he grabs Jun around the shoulders and makes him. So Jun says, Welcome to Tokyo, Princess in a SUPER ENTHUSIASTIC VOICE NO REALLY. And Aiba totally gives him crap about that. ♥♥♥♥
And then they go to a NAIL SALON and then they go to a LINGERIE STORE and the really hilarious thing is that Jun's not as uncomfortable there as you'd think, mostly, I suspect, because he spends the time critiquing the fashion of the batshit underwear.
It's good that they started with this segment because it would have been hard to follow Ohno/Sho and babies, but I still really liked it. Of course, I'm easy to please when it comes to Aiba and Jun and them being touchy-feely with each other. And, okay, it was kind of interesting to watch the Ageha report, even if their nails scare the crap out of me.
Also, I guess they're going back to the report-style format? Except putting them in groups instead? Which I actually totally approve of, it's like a combination of D no Arashi and Mago Mago Arashi, it could make for some seriously awesome episodes. On the other hand, I don't want them to spend so much time on the reports that it cramps the rest of their schedules! While I appreciate that they seem to be doing things in groups more now (because it makes them so much better), I also worry that it means they're using twice the amount of total time the group has to do the same amount of footage.
Also, I would like next week's episode now plz. +__+