I feel better immediately when the temperatures start to drop and the light levels go down, and immediately less well in spring as the temps go up, and gradually less well starting around New Year's as the light levels go up. So October, November and December feel pretty good to me - happier, clearer in my thinking, more energetic.
I can see that. I every winter remember, "Oh, yeah, this is the part where I have to take a few minutes to let my car warm up, scrape ice off the windows, what a drag!" Because I totally forget that is an integrated part of winter, that there is no breezing out the door, plopping into the driver's seat, and racing off. And snow is only the occasional overnight nuisance. If I was shoving snow off the car every week, that would rapidly become charmless, no doubt.
Comments 4
How I loved the whole Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas cycle. Such a feeling of allowed fantasy and (perhaps required, but) family unity.
I love the bite of the air. The closing down of everything but the birds at the feeder. The colors. Food tastes better. I miss my old peeps.
I feel better immediately when the temperatures start to drop and the light levels go down, and immediately less well in spring as the temps go up, and gradually less well starting around New Year's as the light levels go up. So October, November and December feel pretty good to me - happier, clearer in my thinking, more energetic.
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