To do list for the semester

Oct 02, 2010 13:02

Let's get my thoughts on paper! I'm thinking, because I have so many ongoing assignments, it may be best to just write everything down and occasionally post updates with finished things striken out (so I can feel better about myself and my progress).

At the moment, I mostly feel like I'm treading water: I'm keeping afloat, but I'm not going anywhere. I need to get in advance. Fortunately, this semester worked out so that I have a three day weekend every weekend! Huzzah! Fridays off! Also, (un)fortunately, I'm unemployed this semester, which means more penny-pinching (but not desperate straights: I live at home with my parents and I have scholarships and RESPs), but also means that I have more time to do homework. Hopefully I won't go stir-crazy first. :P

All right, things to do!

-Write reply to penpals Anna and Anri. It will happen soon, I promise!
-two paper proposals for two separate women's history courses. Better be brilliant, as the professors for these are the thesis supervisor and the second reader for my thesis respectively. 
-READINGS. SO MANY READINGS. Actually on track for this! I have like 150 pages of reading per week, but it's manageable if I do them on the day that they are assigned, or at least strive to do so. 
-Write out plans for honour's thesis, to see where the gaps in my research are. Prof. Smith, my supervisor, actually gave me the idea of writing out two plans, in which the order is flipped, to see which one's organization would flow better.

-Study study study (for midterms).

-NANOWRIMO? I've been doing it since my first year of university, and I haven't failed in my wordcount goal yet... I have a brilliant idea for some characters and a world and such, but I need to plan this stuff out. Also, find the time. Which is related to my need to get stuff DONE in advance.

Long term, but better get started:
-Research for honour's thesis! I want to get a really, really rough draft done by Christmas. We'll see how that goes!
-Primary document analysis on Harriet Jacobs Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself. 
-Turn that primary document analysis into a full-fletched research paper. CHOOSE TOPIC.
-Finish three (Two to go!) 2-page reading response papers for senior-level American women's history course. 
-Start reading four books for comparative book review for the same class. I've chosen american women's roles in the second world war!

Other commitments:
-volunteer at Spooktacular, the Hallowe'en special event happening on the two nights immediately before Hallowe'en, at Fort Edmonton. History dial is turned down. I'll talk more about this later in a separate blog post, but for now, please accept a link to a video of the Thriller Dance that took place during the 2007 Spooktacular.
-Continue volunteering with EISA (Edmonton Immigrant Services Association) for credit for linguistics class. I get to meet with a lovely Peruvian lady once a week to wander about Edmonton so that she can get out of the house and practice her English! (But it's time-consuming)

So, uh... I'm busy? D: I feel restless, but I've been reading straight for the last several hours... I think that I'll take a break to go for a jog, then make some tea and leap back into reading. 

histories, scholarly pursuits, craziness

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