The new face of my stress!

Oct 03, 2010 09:43

 So after I posted that list, yesterday, of all of the things I have to do in the coming months, I felt incredibly stressed out. I made tea, and that made me feel better, and then I did some more homework, which could have made me feel worse but at least I was getting stuff done... And then I remembered this photo that Erin took of me while I was in York in June! I predict that this will become my profile picture on Facebook towards the end of October/into November and December. It was the motto of our trip in Britain, what with so many crazy things happening to the members of our group.

So when we saw a print of that famous Second World War unpublished propaganda photo in a poster store in York, we just HAD to take a photograph. And I think that it's the best photograph of me from the entire trip! And it really sums up certain emotions really, really well. Particularly how I felt for about ten minutes yesterday after writing that list. I just thought I would share with you guys. :)

Also, in other news: the Commonwealth Games in Delhi were kicked off today! :D Mum woke me up early (well, at 7am) to watch the opening ceremonies, live, with her. The drummers and dancers were cool - I particularly liked that bit where the children suddenly flipped off the golden outer layer of their outfits to reveal the Indian national colours, then painted those henna'd hands on the sheets above their heads. Uh... if you didn't see the video, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. But it was cool.

Furthermore, the march of the athletes was very much a geography lesson for me. Who knew that Britain had conquered so many tiny islands...? ;) Also, I couldn't spot dad in the crowd of 251 Canadian athletes, but I didn't really expect to. The Canadians had snazzy outfits! (As did many of the other athletes.) Go dad go! :D

keep calm & carry on, daguerreotypes and other photography, york, scholarly pursuits, commonwealth game shenanigans

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