So can you tell I've finished my two big term papers?

Dec 13, 2012 11:05

Your result for The Remarkably Thorough Harry Potter Character Test...
Albus Dumbledore

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Comments 4

kuiskata December 13 2012, 23:44:11 UTC
Yay! Congrats on being done with your big term papers! (Do you have any more left, or is that all of them?)


beboots December 14 2012, 00:16:43 UTC
I'm currently procrastinating: I have a 5 page plus bibliography proposal for my MRE (Major research project AKA mini thesis) due next week. I've got the page count, but I just need to polish it and make it look fantastic. It's supposed to be a draft and it'll go through two more official edits before finally being passed on for approval, but half of the MAs(including myself) are going through small crises trying not to second-guess our topics too much. D: I'll probably write a post about it this weekend.

Also, in case you missed it, my new research blog where I'll be posting the majority of my history-nonsense things!

I wanted to have an official academic online presence as well, you see. Apparently some people have gotten jobs this way? By saying clever things about a subject online?


kuiskata December 14 2012, 00:30:01 UTC
*hugs* I'm sure you'll do fine on the bibliography proposal, my dear! What is your topic for your MRE (which I'm guessing stands for "major research essay"??)?

Oooh, history blog. *bookmarks* I did not know about this and I will have to investigate further. When it's not 1:30 am. But my first class tomorrow isn't until 12:50 in the afternoon, so I'm okay!

Procrastinating myself - I need to finish polishing my SOP (and this horrible "personal history statement" thing that is required of ALL UC applicants and is basically a diversity statement even if I don't have much of anything to say... Fortunately, I don't think my department cares much at all about it, judging from the department website.) so that I can submit my application tomorrow. Deadline is Saturday! (I'm kind of reaching that point where I don't even care anymore I'm so sick of working on it, which...probably isn't a good thing, really.)


beboots December 14 2012, 02:27:15 UTC
Yes, MRE = Major Research Essay. :P I need to not make little mistakes like that ( ... )


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