Fic: Broken

Jun 14, 2011 22:53

Title: Broken
Author: beautyfulevil
Team: Double Agent
Challenge: grangersnape100 Mirrors
Words: 100
Rating: PG-13 (mentions of sex)
Characters: Severus/Hermione
A/N: I don't own anything you recognize.

Broken )

fics, grangersnape100

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Comments 3

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beautyfulevil June 16 2011, 04:33:26 UTC
I can't give away every secret lol! If another prompt inspires a sequel we'll see the end. (:


droxy June 16 2011, 03:36:36 UTC
OW. Ouch. Poor suffering Snape, but I do like my angst.


beautyfulevil June 16 2011, 04:33:40 UTC
I thought you might enjoy the angst. Thanks!!


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