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wears_a_torc March 3 2009, 16:40:44 UTC
Never, ever, want to go though that again.


beatsupboys March 3 2009, 16:44:52 UTC
Me, neither. It wasn't as bad on New Year's.


wears_a_torc March 3 2009, 16:48:22 UTC
...But I thought you were just seeing your friends?


beatsupboys March 3 2009, 16:50:27 UTC
They were fighting. And I had to take one of 'em down to get them to stop, and... that didn't really have the best outcome in the world.


wears_a_torc March 3 2009, 17:00:51 UTC
I'm sorry. That couldn't have been easy to relive.


beatsupboys March 3 2009, 17:04:47 UTC
... Yeah.


wears_a_torc March 3 2009, 17:10:30 UTC
Oh and it wasn't the chips. Sonic had his removed and he suffered the same as us.


beatsupboys March 3 2009, 17:15:42 UTC
Yeah, and Kilik had his in and didn't see anything.


wears_a_torc March 3 2009, 17:27:37 UTC
Does the,[pauses] does the water here all come from the same place? It it does then it couldn't have been that either, otherwise it would have been everyone

I guess that only leaves the food, everyone eats, but not everyone eats the same things. Unless you can think of anything else it could be?


beatsupboys March 3 2009, 17:32:03 UTC
I don't know about how the water works. I guess you should ask Demyx about that.

I thought we said it might have been the fruit? Because that came right before the hallucinations started. But then we decided that the chip idea made more sense, so...


wears_a_torc March 3 2009, 17:44:01 UTC
We had? I thought we had narrowed it down to either the food or water, not just the Fruit.


I guess I'm still a little out of it. Where does the food come from?


beatsupboys March 3 2009, 17:45:20 UTC
Yeah, but the fruit was new, so we thought it might be that.



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