Band on the Run, Ch. 4: "Every Rock on the Way"

May 24, 2010 00:23

I'm FINALLY back! And this is actually kind of just a filler bit cause they were spending WAAAY too long on that goddamn train.

Title:  "Band on the Run Ch. 4"
Author:  Darth Viye
Pairings:   John/George,John/Paul, John/Ringo if you squint
Rating: R for this chapter
Timeframe: AU
Summary:  The Beatles are among the most feared gangs in the nation, but there are some crimes that they did not commit...
Warnings: Language, allusions to past MYSTERY-BAD-SOMETHING, Paul being a cunt

Ch 1

Also, note that it took me FOUR CHAPTERS to quote the TITLE SONG in the cut! FML.
Here's the pctuuur.... It's not quite as related as the others but this is wut Ringo loks like in this chapter and I luv the lighting ANYWAYS.


John’s eyes were filled with fog; a bright mist in whirling silvery shades. Whirling, shifting. Then slowing, taking on form. Slowly condensing into a figure. The figure of-Oh God no, not him. John stumbled back in fear, away from Him. “Get the fuck out of here, Pete,” John snarled. The fog behind him suddenly congealed into a wall, blocking his escape. “Oh shit,” he moaned, “No…”  He stuck out his shaking hand. The deep scar on the back burned and began to bleed like new.

“Stop right there!” Pete didn’t say anything. John pressed himself back against the wall, dropping the hand.

“Pete, don’t!” Pete’s broad hand reached out. John started to scream.


“John…” A soft voice from the black. Ringo.

“John, wake up…” A gentle but firm hand on his shoulder. John opened his eyes to Ringo’s face. His eyes were very blue in the crisp, early light. John groaned, however, wishing he could sleep some more.  Ringo smiled beautifully.

“I know, Johnny, I know,” he said, slipping a hand under John’s arm. “Come on, time to leave.”  John groaned again, rubbing his eyes as Ringo helped him to his feet and all his various aches woke up as well. The first thing John noticed was that Paul and George were in the compartment with him-his heart skipped a beat. The second thing John noticed was that the train was still moving. He looked at Paul, cocking an eyebrow.

“What exactly d’you mean, ’Time to leave’?” Paul smirked in just such a way that John knew. He shook his head.

“Oh Hell no. You’re not sayin’…?”  Paul grinned and nodded. John gulped.

“And we’re…?” George, who looked like he was trying not to laugh, nodded. John groaned again. 
           “Aaw, fuck… This’s gonna hurt, innit?” George snorted and nodded, watching Ringo slide the door open. It was very green outside.

“Oh lighten up, Johnny,” said Paul, clapping him on the back, “S’ not goin’ very fast…”

John gulped, looking out at the passing scenery as he and Paul approached the door. Paul grinned, looking over at George and Ringo.

“Now or never, lads.”  John bit his lip, nervous. “You scared?” Paul asked. “Naw,” John lied. Paul grabbed his shirt and tugged him into a searing kiss. John’s brain went blank with ecstasy-oh, the taste of Paul’s mouth! And then he pulled back. John had just enough time to see Paul’s grin and think “SHIT!”, before Paul shoved him out and he began to tumble.

The hill was very rocky, and steeper than it looked, even from a moving train. John yelled as he rolled, arse over head, down the incline.


He could hear Paul’s mad cackling as the other, along with a guffawing George and a cussing Ringo, followed him-John hoped they hit every fucking rock on the way down, the bastards.

john/george, john/paul

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