Beatle Girl Stamp!

Nov 02, 2009 22:52

01. Name: Morgan
02. Age: 19
03. Which Beatle are you stamped as (if any)? I’m a George!

04. Favorite wife (+Jane): Definitely Jane. I admire her ability to stay her classy self while going out into the world and taking what she wanted from it.
05. Least favorite wife (+Jane): Heather. Do we need to ask why?
06. Which wife (+Jane) do you think you're most like, and why? It’s hard to make a judgement like that, since I didn’t know any of them personally, but I think I might be a Cyn, as I’m kind of shy, especially around new people. But underneath my prim exterior lies a creative self who just wants to break lose.
07. Favorite Beatle: It’s the eternal question: John or George? George has been my favourite since I started listening to the Beatles lo those many years ago, but recently I’ve been fascinated by John and his moody creativity
08. Least favorite Beatle: Blasphamy!
09. Which Beatle could you see yourself dating or marrying, and why? Ohhh... John, I guess? I could see myself being drawn to his brooding behaviour in his early days. But I don't know if I would be able to stick around during the psycadelic days, they were a little too weird for my tastes...
10. What is your favorite Beatle period (mop tops, psychedelic/late, post-Beatles, other)? I like the end of the mop-top era best (specific much?). ‘65ish. I’m talking John’s “Fat Elvis” era (which I think he was totally shaggable during, am I right?
11. Let’s say somehow you ended up meeting The Beatles. How do you think this would have happened? As in back in the 60s? It would be a complete coincidence, as I would never be able to throw myself at any of them, particularly after they became famous. ...Maybe I tripped on the sidewalk, and they happened to be walking on the same one? Something silly like that, probably.
12. Describe the perfect relationship: I’d say that I’d want passion, but I don’t know if I’d be able to handle serious passion. I’m a laid back kind of person, and that much intensity might bother me... But either way, any relationship I’m in must be built on mutual respect, and although I do want my partner to be a big part of my life, they will respect the fact that I do need time to myself and things that I can enjoy on my own
13. Describe your ideal man: What to say that doesn’t sound like a cliché? ... He’d accept me flaws and all and wouldn’t judge me or any separate interests I may have. He’d call me out when he thinks I’ve done something wrong, but he’d do it in a respectful way. He’d be funny and smart, but he wouldn’t rub it in... In short, he neither exists nor is anything like any of our lads :P
14. What do you wish to accomplish in life? I haven’t decided yet what I want to do career wise yet... I’d like to earn my Master’s degree, if not going for my Ph.D. after that. I think I’ve been avoiding making big, life affirming decisions, so I stick to making short-ish term goals. Like, I’ve got this scheme in my head where I’m going to take at least one picture everyday for the decade starting with 2010...
15. Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower? I’m somewhere in the middle. I won’t follow blindly, but I’m often too shy to stand out too much.
16. What do you value most in life? I think it’s important to find... if not happiness, then contentment in life. Do what you love to do because for all we know, this is all we get and I’d hate it waste it working a 9to5 because I think I have to.
17. What do you think are your top 5 positive traits? tolerance, curiosity, love of learning, determination, loyalty
18. What do you think are your top 5 negative traits? impatience, lack of self confidence, disorganized, poor work habits unless under a lot of pressure, trouble talking about my feelings

19. Please link to three recent applications you have voted on:

20. [OPTIONAL] Post one or two clear pictures of yourself. Or give a brief description:

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