Application: THEME: Beatle Women
This is a special
beatle_rating themed application! Please stamp as any of the Beatle Women. This includes all the Beatles’ wives (Cynthia, Maureen, Pattie, Yoko, Linda, Olivia, Barbara, and Heather) as well as Jane Asher (she was close enough!)
01. Name: Kaela
02. Age: 16
03. Which Beatle are you stamped as (if any)? PAUL :)
04. Favorite wife (+Jane): Linda :) and Jane Asher was cool too
05. Least favorite wife (+Jane): HEATHER
06. Which wife (+Jane) do you think you're most like, and why? Hmmm... I would honestly probably say Linda or Jane, because I share a lot of the same hobbies and ideas as them. I don't know though for sure, that's why I'm filling this out :)
07. Favorite Beatle: PAUL PAUL PAUL PAUL
08. Least favorite Beatle: GASP! A least favourite Beatle does not exist!
09. Which Beatle could you see yourself dating or marrying, and why? Paul, honestly, because he was silly and fun like me. He also was an amazing songwriter and was nice to look at, which helps <3
10. What is your favorite Beatle period (mop tops, psychedelic/late, post-Beatles, other)? hmmm... I guess the middle area. I love the albums they released between the mop tops and psychedelics, when they were experimenting with new things but still had that adorable original sound. Revolver is my favourite album, if that helps :)
11. Let’s say somehow you ended up meeting The Beatles. How do you think this would have happened? First of all, let me just say that if this happened I would die right there.
Moving on... it would probably be randomly, honestly haha. Or maybe I knew someone who knew someone who let me meet them. I honestly don't know. OR maybe I like, was one of their roadies or something. Haha good question though!
12. Describe the perfect relationship: A fun one, bascially. Someone who is not afraid to have a good time but is serious enough to be supportive.
13. Describe your ideal man: someone who is able to have fun, someone who is honest, trustworthy, intelligent, fun, good singer, at least somewhat nice to look at ;)
14. What do you wish to accomplish in life? be on broadway/open my own dance studio/graduate from a good college/raise a family.
15. Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower? leader, definitely.
16. What do you value most in life? Happiness. If you're not happy in life, what's the point of living??
17. What do you think are your top 5 positive traits? confident, happy, intelligent, ambitious, loyal
18. What do you think are your top 5 negative traits? opinionated, stubborn, arrogant, impatient, sarcastic
19. Please link to three recent applications you have voted on:
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003 20. [OPTIONAL] Post one or two clear pictures of yourself. Or give a brief description: