Y'know, once upon a time I truly didn't care who won the American election. (And by "once upon a time," I mean a few months ago.) I was fairly mystified by the ENORMOUS issue it has been on my friendslist. I honestly couldn't figure out why people were getting so worked up about it; I suppose that, post-Bush, people only want the best person they
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Comments 14
Her campaign thus far has exposed her as entitled, hypocritical, viciously back-stabbing and a sore loser. I'm far from impressed. Her behaviour has been deplorable. I'm deeply, DEEPLY disappointed in her - in a woman who I thought had backbone, who was worth admiring.What the Hell, Bean? Did you ever even read any of my posts? HER behavior has been deplorable? Excuse me? What about Obama's? Using the fucking race card and then turning it around on the Clintons to portray them as racists? Do you even KNOW what you're being fed by the Obama loving media? hry2007's comment is also fucking ignorant bullshit spread by the MSM and has been built upon since the Republican Right Wing since Bill's been in office ( ... )
Here's another link, from an Obama supporter (yes, Big Tent Dem is an Obama supporter, but he's not an Obamatron) summing up what has been going on in the campaigns so far:
P.S. Wright shares his bed with Farrakhan, and Farrakhan is a fucking racist and anti-Semite. That's what I have to say about that part of it.
I find it silly that it even needs to be addressed. "He's a mentor of mine, but I don't agree with everything he says," is really all Obama should have had to say to put the issue (largely) to rest. (Other than, perhaps, "Well, what parts DID you agree with and why?") The general hypocrisy here is amazing - hell, I know tons of white people go to the same damn church every week whether they agree with their pastors on every point or not.
Interestingly, by following the links you gave me, I discovered that Rev. Wright has publicly disassociated himself from Farrakhan's beliefs. It's Six Degrees of I'm Not With That Guy Separation.
Clinton seems desperate, and is using any trick in the book she can to call attention back to herself, because Obama's campaign had such incredible momentum and support.
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