I really didn't want to make this post, but...

Mar 26, 2008 22:08

Y'know, once upon a time I truly didn't care who won the American election. (And by "once upon a time," I mean a few months ago.) I was fairly mystified by the ENORMOUS issue it has been on my friendslist. I honestly couldn't figure out why people were getting so worked up about it; I suppose that, post-Bush, people only want the best person they can in office. Yet I thought perhaps we ought to be celebrating more Bush's removal, and the strong possibility of ANY Democratic candidate winning. C'mon guys,, I thought, What on earth happened to, "Anyone But Bush?" Who remembers that?

I would have been fine, at that point, with either Obama or Hillary. Hillary in particular, as I prayed for years that she would run when the time came. The Clintons back in office? Seemed like a good idea to me.

At this point though, everything I've heard and read about Hillary's campaign has left SUCH a bitter taste in my mouth that, were I American and Obama was not an option, I don't believe I could bring myself to vote AT ALL. Her campaign thus far has exposed her as entitled, hypocritical, viciously back-stabbing and a sore loser. I'm far from impressed. Her behaviour has been deplorable. I'm deeply, DEEPLY disappointed in her - in a woman who I thought had backbone, who was worth admiring.

The Wright issue is the absolute FINAL STRAW for me. Tell me - tell me! - what the HELL is wrong with what this man is saying?!

I wanted to stand up and CHEER when I watched this, and if you didn't too, then tell me WHY.

And this, what's terribly wrong with this? What's terribly wrong with condemning the systematic racism of the country you live in?

Others besides me have said it all better, so I'm just going to link:

First, a very long article by Tim Wise, but worth the read if you found Wright's comments, well, shocking:

So that's the truth of the matter: Wright made one comment that is highly arguable, but which has also been voiced by white America's favorite black man, another that was horribly misinterpreted and stripped of all context, and then another that was demonstrably accurate. And for this, he is pilloried and made into a virtual enemy of the state[...]

An Open Letter To Senator Clinton From A Diverse Group of Religious Leaders.

There are those among us who support Rev. Wright and believe his comments were deeply misconstrued. There are others among us who reject his words outright, even in context.

But across these lines, we stand together, White and Black, Protestant and Catholic, Christian and Jew.

No candidate should use religion as a tool to divide the American people, as you have done today.

And finally, the thing that inspired this post: a few words from the current pastor of Hillary Clinton's former church (BEST. THING. EVER.):

"The Reverend Jeremiah Wright is an outstanding church leader whom I have heard speak a number of times. He has served for decades as a profound voice for justice and inclusion in our society. He has been a vocal critic of the racism, sexism and homophobia which still tarnish the American dream. To evaluate his dynamic ministry on the basis of two or three sound bites does a grave injustice to Dr. Wright, the members of his congregation, and the African-American church which has been the spiritual refuge of a people that has suffered from discrimination, disadvantage, and violence. Dr. Wright, a member of an integrated denomination, has been an agent of racial reconciliation while proclaiming perceptions and truths uncomfortable for some white people to hear. Those of us who are white Americans would do well to listen carefully to Dr. Wright rather than to use a few of his quotes to polarize. This is a critical time in America's history as we seek to repent of our racism. No matter which candidates prevail, let us use this time to listen again to one another and not to distort one another's truth."

(bolds mine)

Have at it, then. If you agree Wright's sermons are vile, please explain.

(Also, why is "Obama" not in lj's spellcheck at this point? Don't they ever update this thing?)

politics, racism

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