Mar 26, 2008 22:46
And while I'm in a pissy mood, I want to add that I don't understand how you work with someone who has a repetitive strain injury FOR A YEAR, ask concerned questions like, "How are your wrists doing?" FOR A YEAR, get worried if you say your wrists are doing badly FOR A YEAR, and then AFTER A YEAR, suddenly come out one day with:
"You know, not to be mean, but I don't really believe there is such a thing as carpal tunnel."
EXCUSE ME? Why, I wonder, have I not heard this before? Is it because the wrist braces have been gone for a while? Is it "safer" now to air that stupidity?
This doubt belongs to Boss's Daughter, and she apparently finds the existence of RSIs doubtful because she worked in the same job at Subway for six years with no trouble, but a coworker of hers there developed symptoms after six months. Even after I pointed out that multiple factors go into the development of RSIs, and that some people are undoubtedly genetically predisposed, she's still repeating the same crap about how she doesn't get why someone could work in the same job for years and not get it, too.
What the hell. This is the SAME GIRL who wants people to believe that she suffers EXCRUCIATING on-and-off back pain - for which she's collected disability pay - from an injury sustained while lifting a five-pound box of cheese slices.
But this is somehow more "real" than injuries I've sustained from YEARS of computer use. Injuries that I have used to predict the weather - which I gave independent reports of to her, and which she confirmed via her back injury. (And no, for the record, I don't disbelieve that she's really got a back injury. But it boggles my mind that she could deny the reality of my injury with a backstory for hers like THAT. Five pounds of cheese, guys.)
What gives some people the bloody nerve?! Really now.
people suck,