Title: Mea Anima 7/7 Pairing: Junho/Junsu Rating: NC-17 incest, beastiality, under age, rape, abuse, implied!pedophiliaDisclaimer: Yet, again, they aren't mine to do anything more than create fancy stories
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Title: Mea Anima 6/7 Pairing: Junho/Junsu Rating: NC-17 incest, beastiality, under age, rape, abuse, implied!pedophiliaDisclaimer: Yet, again, they aren't mine to do anything more than create fancy stories
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Title: Mea Anima 5/? Pairing: Junho/Junsu Rating: NC-17 incest, beastiality, under age, rape, abuse, implied!pedophiliaDisclaimer: Yet, again, they aren't mine to do anything more than create fancy stories
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Title: Mea Anima 4/? Pairing: Junho/Junsu Rating: NC-17 incest, beastiality, under age, rape, abuse, implied!pedophiliaDisclaimer: Yet, again, they aren't mine to do anything more than create fancy stories
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So there was this thing on tumblr that was to send a pairing and a prompt and I would write a 3-sentence fic for it. Well, I had some fun. And here are the fruits of my labors.
Title: Mea Anima 3/? Pairing: Junho/Junsu Rating: NC-17 incest, beastiality, under age, rape, abuse, implied!pedophiliaDisclaimer: Yet, again, they aren't mine to do anything more than create fancy stories
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Title: Mea Anima 2/? Pairing: Junho/Junsu Rating: NC-17 incest, beastiality, under age, rape, abuse, implied!pedophiliaDisclaimer: Yet, again, they aren't mine to do anything more than create fancy stories
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Title: Mea Anima 1/? Pairing: Junho/Junsu Rating: NC-17 incest, beastiality, under age, rape, abuse, implied!pedophiliaDisclaimer: Yet, again, they aren't mine to do anything more than create fancy stories
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