ATTF: comics vs. movies

Aug 01, 2014 22:40

Hello! I'm your guest host for tonight's ATTF, and I'll dig right in: comics vs. movies. Did you read the comics (by which I mainly refer to the 616 universe)? Do you have certain expectations, certain things you want the movies to revisit? Do you mix and match the comic canon and movie canon, or do you keep them separate?

To get things started, my two cents are that the characters in the movies and the characters in the comics are at the same time the same and also very different people. A friend of mine once said that the movie characters have a different 'energy' than the comics ones, and I think that's a good description for my take on it as well. Take Natasha: on the one hand you have the woman from the comics who has been around for decades, spy, assassin, criminal with a long and storied history. On the other, you have the movie version, who -- at least based on canon so far -- is far younger, and who, and that's my impression, ymmv, is more empathetic than the comics one. And then Clint: there's the SHIELD agent and assassin from the movies, and then there's the human disaster from the comics who just recently swore he never killed anyone (however true that can be).

The one thing they have in common though, so far -- and will hopefully continue to -- is that they care for each other deeply and that their lives are entangled. They're exes in the comics -- though there's so much more to their shared history. Clint calls Natasha his best friend and his work wife, and one of my favorite comics panels has Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman, at the time Clint's fresh ex-girlfriend) realizing that something must have happened to him by seeing Natasha lose her composure, and she knows that Clint's the only one whose loss would prompt such a reaction from her. Funny enough, I don't ship them in the comics -- I actually ship Clint like fedex with someone else -- while the movie versions are one of my OTPs.

So, now, enough about me, back to the beginning: What about you? Do you keep your Clints and Natashas separate, or do you morph them together? Do you make use of comics canon for movie fic, and if so what is it? What parts of the comics would you like to come up in the movies, and which do you think don't fit? Do you have fic recs for fic that combines them well? Meta recs that either point out the differences or talk about the similarities? Any headcanons you'd like to share, about the things in their backstories that do or don't align? Just remember:

1) Always label NSFW (Not Safe For Work) stuff in the title and post under a cut.
2) Fic and artwork needs to have a rating and warnings (or you can say that you’ve chosen not to use warnings).
3) For people with annoying internet connections, say in the title if a comment is graphic/images/gif-heavy and post picspams under a cut.
4) Have a damn good time! (Because if that’s not happening then this post has clearly failed.)

friday is a day for all the things, all the things friday

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