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FIC: Taking chances; Rated:G; no warnings obsessed_psyco February 14 2013, 13:36:04 UTC
“Are you really going to do this?” Bruce asked, looking at Clint and then in the direction of Natasha Romanoff ( ... )


Re: FIC: Taking chances; Rated:G; no warnings workerbee73 February 14 2013, 14:24:36 UTC
Yay!!! GO CLINT! GO NAT! <3333

This was the perfect Valentine's Day ficlet. Omg now what happens at the dance?? :D


Re: FIC: Taking chances; Rated:G; no warnings obsessed_psyco February 14 2013, 14:51:33 UTC
Thank you! =D wasn't sure if this was ok. It's my first Avengers fic. I'm really glad you liked it!

And now I want to write what happens next...


Re: FIC: Taking chances; Rated:G; no warnings workerbee73 February 14 2013, 15:24:56 UTC
Dude, you totally should! And welcome! We love having new c/n writers. :)


Re: FIC: Taking chances; Rated:G; no warnings shenshen77 February 14 2013, 14:31:10 UTC
So cute :D And way to show up Tony, Nat, woohoo!

I hope she's really interested in Clint, because *squee* :D:D:D


Re: FIC: Taking chances; Rated:G; no warnings obsessed_psyco February 14 2013, 14:49:52 UTC
Thanks! I'm new here and have never written an avengers fic before so this was my first. I'm glad it's ok!

And of course she's really interested! How could she not be? =D


Re: FIC: Taking chances; Rated:G; no warnings purely_distel February 14 2013, 15:29:43 UTC
EEPS THIS IS SO EXACTLY WHAT I HAD IN MIND! *runs around in a circle* THANK YOU for filling the prompt! And it's your first fic, too *MOA SQUEE* you better never leave this place again, Missy *laughs and hugs you* And YES - Cannot WAIT to read more, if you feel like writing it!

I LOVED how you sneakily included half of the other chars as well and the whole "If I start crying, punch me in the face" bit was pure GOLD! So, YEAH THANK YOOOU <3


Re: FIC: Taking chances; Rated:G; no warnings obsessed_psyco February 14 2013, 16:15:30 UTC
LOL! Thank you so much. This has totally boosted my confidence! ^-^ *squishes*

I think I may start writing more too. Though I have a couple of other prompts I want to write from here first if I get the chance!

I had to add them in, it's an AU. Though I tried to keep it as true as possible, hence why Thor and Steve aren't there! And I figured that he wouldn't want to be seen crying without a reason or be let away with it.

So glad you liked it! *runs off to write more and potentially, finally, add an avengers icon to my userpics*


Re: FIC: Taking chances; Rated:G; no warnings crazy4orcas February 14 2013, 15:59:56 UTC
Way to go Clint! I love the little detail about Clint straightening up when she accepts. And good for you Natasha both for going to the dance with Clint and for accepting his card.

I'd love to see what happens at the dance, but more than that -- I want to know what was in the CARD!



Re: FIC: Taking chances; Rated:G; no warnings obsessed_psyco February 14 2013, 16:16:40 UTC
Aww, now you've added more to my list of things to do. Now I want to know what was in he card so I'll have to sort that out now too. ^-^

Thank you so much!


Re: FIC: Taking chances; Rated:G; no warnings alphaflyer February 14 2013, 17:06:16 UTC
Yay! Congrats on your first fic! It's like Clint's experience, isn't it -- taking that first step, not knowing what the response will be? :-)

I hope you found it as rewarding as he did, and won't stop there! *hugs*


Re: FIC: Taking chances; Rated:G; no warnings obsessed_psyco February 14 2013, 22:07:07 UTC
Thanks! I did find it rewarding and I think I have found my new favourite fandom to write in! ^-^



Re: FIC: Taking chances; Rated:G; no warnings purely_distel February 14 2013, 22:19:13 UTC
YES, WE DID IT, WE CONVERTED ANOTHER ONE! *victory dance* also, meant to say this earlier anyway - WELCOME to the best bar on the planet :D Here are your complimentary drink vouchers, the cold showers are situated down that way and the cozy cuddle corner is over there.

I do hope you enjoy your stay and never leave ;)


Re: FIC: Taking chances; Rated:G; no warnings obsessed_psyco February 14 2013, 22:22:53 UTC
I actually came looking for a comm like this and this was the one that caught my eye. And thank you for the welcome and the drink vouchers and I don't plan on leaving so don't you worry! *hugs*

(I really need to sort out my icons, I have no Avengers at all)


Re: FIC: Taking chances; Rated:G; no warnings hufflepuffsneak February 14 2013, 22:29:00 UTC
Welcome welcome! :D Nice work on the fic.

Tea is a perfectly good icon. And if you stick around long enough, someone will probably make you an icon with something you've said on it. :P


Re: FIC: Taking chances; Rated:G; no warnings obsessed_psyco February 14 2013, 22:31:00 UTC
Thank you! I'm finding that this is the nicest comm I've ever been in. lol. So many nice things have been said to me today since I posted. *beams*

And it's my only non-fandom specific icon but it sums me up really! :D


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