The California indoor mask mandate ends today, except for criminals in prisons and students in schools.
We treat those groups the same in my state. How does your state play it?
- Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays)
February 16, 2022 In California, if your lifeboat has too much weight, you toss out the children first, starting with the youngest.
- Scott
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Comments 11
На входе в суд нужно пройти через металлоискатель.
Значит мы относимся к суду так же, как к полету на самолете.
Совершенно бредовое рассуждение, а не демогогическое.
Teenagers now are useless, except as cheap labor in industries like fast food, which evolved to exploit precisely this fact. In almost any other kind of work, they'd be a net loss. But they're also too young to be left unsupervised. Someone has to watch over them, and the most efficient way to do this is to collect them together in one place. Then a few adults can watch all of them.
If you stop there, what you're describing is literally a prison, albeit a part-time one. The problem is, many schools practically do stop there. The stated purpose of schools is to educate the kids. But there is no external pressure to do this well. And so most schools do such a bad job of teaching that the kids don't really take it seriously-- not even the smart kids. Much of the time we were all, students and teachers both, just going through the motions.
Поэтому и линк ( не показывается.
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