Title: Passion of A Saint
Genre: AU/AU Ennis/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: The Characters of Ennis And Jack belong to the inimitable Ann Proulx. I am simply borrowing them for this story. No financial benefit is derived from this story.
Summary: This story is set at St. Augustine's. A pious Ennis is a Deacon hoping to become a priest, and Jack is
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Comments 43
jump and run....!!!!
Thank you!
I loved how Ennis was trying to be all sexy. Sucking in his gut and all of that, haha. So cute.
And I also love how Ennis isn't just completely shutting Jack out. And is so open and willing to acknowledge that he loves him. I'm thinking he'll have more issues dealing with the physical part of their relationship, though.
Can't wait for more!
Thank you!!!
I think Ennis always knew he loved Jack - just had other issues that made him not say it out loud and he acted on that love only up to the limits he had for himself.
I wonder what Jack really thinks and what he's gonna do now that he found out his room is next to Ennis' :DDD
But what about guilt??? Is Ennis feeling guilty??? I liked his earlier explanations to himself about love - he was right about it:)
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