Bang*Bang no.38 - ebook downloads

Sep 16, 2012 22:25

Issue 38 ebooks are here!

We appreciate your patience, and hope that what we have to show for it makes the wait worth it: two new and much-requested formats, for your downloading pleasure. The intrepid relvetica has slaved hours over a hot keyboard to make sure that not only would these formats be available, but that they would look their best.

Shousetsu Bang*Bang Issue 38 - .pdf version

Shousetsu Bang*Bang Issue 38 - .mobi version

Shousetsu Bang*Bang Issue 38 - ePub version

Since this is our first time releasing .mobi and ePub versions, we'd love your feedback on them. While we've poked these a lot to make sure that all is well, if you see something broken, whether big or small, please don't hesitate to let us know the problem, what version you were looking at, and what you were using to view it. Alternately, if everything looks fabulous, we'd love to hear about that too!

Also, I'm not even joking, relvetica has been a total rockstar on this, so if you like what you see, do like your mama always said and say thank you!


A quick reminder: submissions for this year’s artist special issue are due Tuesday (i.e., the day after tomorrow). This includes both comics and single images, for those of you who are more accustomed to the Saturday deadline schedule.

As always, you don’t need to have signed up in advance to contribute - signing up is nice to gauge interest, but what really matters is having the finished product done on time. If you’re having questions about anything or issues that might prevent you from making the deadline, tell us sooner rather than later.


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