cover by
p_the_wanderer winterreise, by fightfair and ruffwriter
Giacinto and Lucio, by DragonReine
Jack Parker and the Rival's Rescue, by pixiepunch and leadengine
Backstage at the Speakeasy, by serenity_winner
The Sound of the Heart, by fishydotlove
Kiss Good Night, by natsumeyun
Flight of the Firebirds, by E. Mango (E. 万語) and Nijiiro Sumi (虹色墨)
24 September 2012
Dear readers,
Thanks for your attention to our
first artist special, a year ago now, and the wonders it contained.
Things move quickly here, and so we are on to our second. Perhaps you will take a look at this collection of artist delights - they are some of my most carefully thought-out works around. To this letter I have added an assortment of four comics and three single illustrations representing the time and dedication of a number of artists and authors. As far as we're concerned, they have given their canvases their undivided attention. Perhaps you shall join them in this as well, for these certain creators whom you will surely come to greatly love and admire.
Goodbye for now, keep well and good luck in business, etc., remember the contributors and all their hard work, and acknowledge and encourage them with your kind words.
Ever yours,