therealljidol Season 10-week 4:

Jan 04, 2017 19:15

This week's topic in therealljidol is: “I don't skate to where the puck is. I skate to where the puck is going to be."


I am sitting here in my room at The Seeing Eye. Yale, my new Seeing Eye dog is quietly lying by my side. We both are recovering from a very long day.

It is very hard not to think back on previous experiences with new guide dogs. It’s a constant struggle not to compare their temperament, their work ethic, their style of playing, and so much more.

These past years have been ones of transition. It seems to have all started with my mother’s passing away. After that it was transition after transition. Just as I feel I can finally coast along there is another adjustment to make. Not only have I had to deal with family issues relating to my mother’s death, I’ve also had some transitions at work. I hired a new staff person only to have to say goodbye to her because of health issues. Soon we’ll be starting at square one with a new person. This is exciting but stressful as I’ll need to adjust to a new staff member. I will find it hard not to compare this person to the young person who suddenly had to leave.

I never thought I’d be back at The Seeing Eye after less than two years. When Esther was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition which cut her work life short, Just as we were really becoming a smoothly working team, the idea of the adjustment to a new guide was daunting at best and totally overwhelming at worst.

I’ve usually had time to prepare psychologically for the retirement of my dogs. This time I had no time. Within two weeks from the decision to allow Esther to become a retired little diva I was given a class date to come to New Jersey.

Flash forward to my arrival in New Jersey. I had to put aside the memories of the last time I was here. I have a new instructor, nineteen new students to get to know and of course my new dog. I tried to think ahead to what I really wanted in a new guide. My favorite breed of dog, guide or not, is a golden retriever. We are asked, but not guaranteed, what breed and gender of dog we’d prefer. I asked, if at all possible, that my new Seeing Eye dog be a male golden.

This morning arrived. We were all sent back to our rooms for the big introduction. Tracy, my instructor, knocked on my door. I was almost frozen to my spot, not wanting to be disappointed. I knew in my head that whatever dog I received would work for me. I had to clear my mind and be prepared for another change.

I opened the door and a large fluffball came rushing toward me, wagging, bouncing and giving me both paws.

“This is Yale,” Tracy said.

I think my face must have showed both total surprise and immediate love.

This transition to a new guide, a new breed, and a new process of bonding will be an incredible amount of work. But regardless of how much ice we encounter, slipping and falling, both real and metaphorically, we’ll skate forward. It’s the challenge that keeps us alive.

Bring it on!

This is the latest entry in therealljidol. I hope you read others’ wonderful writing. I’m in fabulous company!

seeing eye, work, lj idol, yale

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