May 26, 2008 13:56
[ Filter: Private ]
The things you come back to ..
I should really keep more of an eye on this community. Things like this .. What did we get into?
Head up.
[ Filter: Charlotte ]
I saw your message from a few days back, but I'm afraid I knocked out before I could properly respond and say what else I wanted to say.
What have you been up to?
Apr 25, 2008 17:05
[ Filter: Private ]
I have less than an hour to wash the dishes, tend to things, and get ready before I have to go off and go buy that dress I need.
erigfuhjearoighiru, this is bad.
Note to self: call Mum, call Char, and get to everything else.
What am I holding in that picture?
Mar 22, 2008 02:34
[ Filter: Private ]
Things seem to be getting better .. I think. A little.
I'm glad everyone I know is okay. But still, all those people who passed away ..
That must be such an ugly feeling.
[ Filter: Public ]
That's probably the worst piano piece I have ever heard.
Way to go, me.
Mar 15, 2008 13:00
[ Filter: Private / Language: Italian ]
God, that was so awful and the
We weren't
Mum and Dad are okay. They're okay
but I can't get a hold on anyone else
What is
[ Filter: Charlotte and Evelyn / Language: English ]
If neither of you answer this within the next few minutes, I will freak
[ Filter: Public / Language: English ]
you all okay?
Mar 08, 2008 21:39
Well, how are you all liking this internet party?
We have some pretty interesting guests~