Femslash Drabble

Jul 03, 2004 14:50

Hi. Um. Don't eat me, please.

I'm a newbie to the bat-fandom, in case you couldn't tell, and as a virgin sacrifice, I offer you a drabble. It's set somewhere after the events of Batgirl: Year One, in which Barbara Gordon muses on the birds in her life. Ahead lies Robin I/Batgirl I and Batgirl I/Black Canary, for those of you who really care.

Something About Birds

And the funny thing was, she had always hated birds.

Well, 'hate' was a bit of a strong word, but she never really liked them. She had been witness and victim to far too many bird-related traumas to fully trust the winged creatures, and at the age of seven Barbara had come to the conclusion that they weren't all that fun or cute to begin with.

And, really, she was more of a dog person.

She wasn't really sure when she changed her mind about birds, if she really changed her mind at all - after all, there was something about the lack of pants that disturbed her.

Barbara had admired Black Canary for a while. Something about the scantily-clad crime fighter compelled her, who had grown up under the eyes of a watchful and overprotective father figure and had never really seen the far side of fishnet stockings or a good fight. And despite her tendency to gripe about the over-sexualization of women in pretty much every activity they took part in, she was forced to that admit that the Black Canary didn't...well. She didn't exactly look bad in what she wore. And she would leave it at that.

And years after the event, she still recalled the night in which the Boy Wonder attempted to woo her with a certain amount of horror. Not because of anything against him, really. But, seeing as how she had still been going through the awkward period of adolescence at the time and had been convinced that no boy would ever find her cute-or-attractive-or-pretty-ever, the idea that she would doomed to end up with a probably-gay vigilante in short pants didn't fail to scare the living crap out of her.

He wasn't a bad kisser, though. Part of her wished she knew that years ago. (And, well, if she wanted another way to rebel against her father, that would be just about it.)

But then, another part of her wondered if Black Canary was a good kisser. She wasn't sure why; it wasn't the attraction to another female that confused her as it was her choice of female. Really. (And her choice of male, for that matter. Maybe she really was doomed to end up with a probably-gay vigilante in short pants.)

...Or maybe the female part did throw her off. But only a little. She didn't mind, exactly; it just wasn't something she had been expecting. Besides, when it all came down to it, it really didn't matter. It wasn't anything was going to come of her Black Canary lust. If she wasn't in the market for an apprentice, as she had been told, then she seriously doubted she would be in the market for a girlfriend. And if she hadn't been very...'impressed' by Batgirl, she certainly wouldn't be 'impressed' by Barbara Gordon, Super-Stalker.

Besides. She still had that...thing with Robin, and then there was god-knows-what with Jason...

She groaned. It had been easier when birds had just settled for attacking her.
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