Name: Remember
Rating: PG-13 for now, but may rise later.
Pairings/Characters: Jack/Buffy, Jack/Ianto, Buffy/Spike, Tosh/Adam, one-sided feelings Owen/Buffy, Faith, Owen, Xander, Gwen, Rhys, PC Andy. Referred to: Libby (OC), Martha.
Summary: Intermission, set between
Magic and Mayhem and
Vampires, Demons and Torchwood. Adam plays havoc with the combined Scoobies and Torchwood team. Contains parallels to TW: 2.05: Adam
Spoilers: Everything before Adam is fair game.
Warnings: Het, minor meaness to Ianto, murderer Ianto and his thoughts.
Beta/Punching Bag/Ass-Kicker: skullgirl013
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood or Buffy ... I only own the ... large ... adjustments to this storyline! Some of the speech is taken straight from Adam.
This is posted as a bribe for
missthingsplace . There will not be a chapter of this every day, although there is quite a lot written in advance :) I'll just post some of this for a) a bribe like this one or b) when I can't get a chapter of Vampires, Demons and Torchwood out. Okay? On with the fic...
The full picture of Jack and Buffy from my icon is here: Chapter 1a
Tuesday 26th February
Buffy walked through the main entrance to the hub with a smile on her face. That was the one good thing about dying (again); with a lot of nagging you got time off. She hung her jacket up with a shiver and stepped towards Tosh’s desk, at which she was working.
“Welcome back!” Jack announced, practically skipping across from his office and wrapping his arms around the surprised slayer.
He bent down as though to kiss her and she pushed him away hard. “What the hell are you doing?” she demanded. Jack looked at her, hurt and confused.
“Did you two have a falling out again?” an unfamiliar voice asked. Buffy looked past Jack to see a golden-brown haired man move backwards in his seat.
“Is he an alien?” she asked, surprisingly calm.
Jack looked at her puzzled. “Are you feeling alright?” he asked as Adam stood up and walked over.
“Just because I asked Jack the same about you ...” Adam said, reaching out to touch her shoulder. “Remember?”
Buffy’s face broke out in a smile. “Of course,” she said. “I don’t know what came over me.” She moved away from Adam and pulled Jack down for a kiss.
“Get a room!” Martha exclaimed, coming towards them from the autopsy bay. She was smiling, though, so Buffy didn’t bother apologising. “It’s good to have you back,” Martha said.
Smiling back, Buffy pulled back from Jack and walked over to perch on Tosh’s desk. “So, what’s new?” she asked. “Aliens, demons or what?”
“Not much going on,” Jack told her. “Unless you count a shortage of Ianto’s coffee as an emergency.” He shot the Welshman a good-tempered glare. Ianto rolled his eyes and went off to make some drinks.
“What’s this?” Buffy asked, poking a box lying on Tosh’s desk.
“We don’t know,” Tosh replied, moving around to look at Buffy, giving her clear view of her cleavage via her low cut top. Buffy averted her eyes. “I’ve been running tests on it.”
“Found anything exciting?”
Tosh shrugged. “Nothing more than normal. Oh, Owen told me to tell you to see him as soon as you got in. He never gives up.”
Buffy snorted and jumped off the desk. “Will do,” she said. She walked over to Jack. “Pity, I was planning on seeing you instead.”
Jack grinned at her. “I’m sure the boss could pull some strings ...”
“Nah. He’ll just become more persistent.”
Buffy walked away from the main hub and down towards the hub and attached infirmary. Inside, Owen was working at his computer next to Willow, who was talking to him, her hand resting, lazily, on his shoulder. “Hi Buffy!” Willow greeted her, turning to look at her as she approached.
Buffy smiled. “Hey Will.” She quickly embraced her friend. “Alright, Owen, you had some urgent reason to see me?”
Owen turned in his chair, pushing his glasses up his nose and nodded. “Yes, yes I did ... I wanted to make sure you are okay, physically, after your ... death.”
“Right as rain,” Buffy said, lifting her hands up. “Never been better.”
“Good ... good ... but as your doctor, I should run some tests on you.” Owen stood up, gesturing at the chair in the middle of the room, on which Buffy should sit to be examined.
Buffy pulled a face. “I’m fine, Owen,” she insisted. “If I’m ever not, I’ll let you know.”
“But ...” Owen started but, catching Buffy’s death glare, broke off midsentence. “Fine.”
Buffy turned, looping her arm through Willow’s and herding her out of the infirmary and back towards the hub. “He comes up with a new excuse every day,” she commented.
“I know,” Willow replied. “I think you need to beat him up again ... maybe then he’ll realise you aren’t interested. I mean, who would be when they already have Jack?”
Buffy grinned. “I’d rather have Jack any day.” She looked round at Willow. “So, how’s things with you?”
Willow shrugged. “I’m still struggling with holding off on the magic ... Xander doesn’t seem to think I’ll be able to beat this but I will!” She smiled. “I will.”
“How come Xander got to go on holiday for a week without dying and I only got a measly three days?” Buffy asked, huffily.
“I don’t know. I think Jack wanted him out of the hub,” Willow replied. “He doesn’t seem to like him much.”
“I suppose. I still wanted more than three days.”
Willow grinned as they ascended the steps and walked into the hub, just to be confronted with Adam and Tosh in a liplock. Willow groaned. “It’s their one-year anniversary today,” she commented.
“I’m sorry, Will. I know you’ve had a massive crush on Tosh since we got here,” Buffy said, softly.
“I’ll get over it. I wonder if Martha likes girls?” Willow commented, with a grin.
“Get over it, tea-boy.”
Ianto looked round at Faith, who was grinning at him, then back at his previous source of interest. “What?” he asked.
“Jack. He ain’t interested in you. He may like dudes and chicks, but no one, not even Captain Jack Harkness, can resist the charms of a Slayer,” Faith replied.
“I manage well enough,” Ianto retorted, tearing his gaze away from Jack’s office, in which Jack was sat, Buffy lying in his lap, head resting on his shoulder, the two of them talking, softly.
Faith smirked. “I’ve never really tried it on with you. Flirted, hell yeah! But nothing more. I know a lost cause when I see one.”
“Thanks,” Ianto grumbled, sarcastically. “Isn’t that a contradiction of what you just said? If no one can resist slayer ‘charms’, then how can I be a lost cause?”
Faith stuck her tongue out at him and stalked off.
Next: Chapter 1b