December Drabble Day 15

Dec 15, 2012 06:35

Title: A Night At The Opera 
Characters/Pairings: Lester
Words: 100
Genre: General/Humour
Rating: U   
Summary: Lester's evening is ruined. 
Author's Note: Hey hey hey! An early posting again for Day 15 as I'm going to work. Another favourite of mine, mainly for epic Lester. :) Enjoy!

“This is totally uncalled for!”

Lester ignored the screams, calmly stepped out of the path of the panicking theatre goers and pulled his phone from the inside pocket of his tux jacket. He called the ARC and demanded a team get to the theatre as soon as possible.

It was when a creature leapt out onto the stage, ripping apart the beautiful Turandot scenery, that Lester had enough.

He reached into another pocket and brought out a small concealed EMD.

Lester aimed. A couple of shots and the creature was down.

The damned thing had ruined a perfectly good opera.

Day 14    Day 16

drabble, primeval, humour, december drabble series, james lester, 2012

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